Virgo Monthly Stars February 2015

Plane says I love youVirgo (23 August – 22 September)

The key player this month is your ruling planet Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury is normally a quick-moving planet and can whizz through three signs of the zodiac in under a month. This month however Mercury is only in one sign, Aquarius, ruling work, everyday routine, service to others and your health.

This is because Mercury begins the month in retrograde motion, i.e. on go slow and Mercury only picks up speed on February 11th. For the first part of February, you may find you’re playing a waiting game or have to be patient whether this is with regard to your work situation, a health issue or your everyday lifestyle. Mercury retrograde often brings obstacles you weren’t expecting or sudden changes of plan.

This doesn’t mean that you’re not itching for change and the Full Moon on February 3rd will highlight where you’re feeling emotional or highly charged. The Full Moon cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of your chart and Full Moons are notoriously emotional and dramatic. You may experience an outburst or be around someone else who needs to let off steam.

Rein in those big decisions and wait until you’re ready to adopt a more logical approach once Mercury turns direct on the 11th. If you chuck in the towel at work or anything you do on a regular basis on or around the Full Moon (3rd), you may find you change your mind one week later and by then it could be too late.

Mercury is making two key aspects this month to the planet Saturn so this suggests a moderate, measured approach to work, health and your everyday routine is recommended. When Mercury enters a retrograde phase, it often makes three repeat connections to the same planet. Mercury was in a sextile (helpful) aspect to Saturn on January 5th and this month these two planets connect on February 5th and February 19th.

Mercury and Saturn are about agreements, making decisions, speaking up and knowing where you stand. The most important connection is the one on the 19th which takes place one day after a New Moon in Aquarius on February 18th. This is the second Aquarius New Moon. The first took place on January 20th, the day before Mercury turned retrograde.

New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings, there’s renewed energy, a chance to make a fresh start and set new intentions. This month there’s also a major theme playing out of second chances so with regard to work and health, don’t give up but try again. Chase up a contact or job you first heard about early January or recommit to a new health or exercise regime.

Saturn is down at the base of your chart in the sign of Sagittarius ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. When it connects to Mercury, your ruling planet, this is a good time to ask for help from your family or to make a key decision that impacts on your home life.

Aside from work and routine matters, this is a brilliant month for love, relationships and all 1-to-1 interactions. This is because the relationship planets and the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, are in your opposite sign of Pisces up until the 20th and Pisces is a hugely romantic sign. Note in particular the 1st and 8th of the month when Venus smooches with Neptune and revs up Pluto. Both these outer planets are causing waves in your love and relationship sectors and the desire to lose yourself in romance is peaking.

This is great news if you’re looking for love or in a loving relationship. Enjoy some quality time together and let the air of romance pervade your everyday life. Plus on the 20th, Venus and Mars move on in the zodiac together, hand-in-hand. They enter the passionate fire sign of Aries and two days later on the 22nd, they are at the exact same place in the heavens. This is impulsively sexy and it’s a top weekend to be with the one you love or meet someone new.

Aries rules joint finances, shared resources and turns money into an emotional affair. You may decide to pool resources, move in with the one you love or invest in your relationship together in some shape or form. It may feel risky or dangerous but you’re ready to act.

However, at the same time as this is going on, there’s another planetary aspect that’s important for you. This is the Sun in Pisces clashing with the Saturn-Neptune square on the 23rd and 26th and this could bring up doubts or fear about your situation. What’s super important is that you discern between what’s real and what’s not real.

For example, if your fears arise because of something that happened in your past or because of something a family member mentions, you need to let it go if it doesn’t fit for you. Your present is not your past and it’s vital you learn from past mistakes.

For those of you who aren’t currently in a love relationship, this planetary combination highlights all 1-to-1 interactions so this may be about a professional partnership or someone who you consider an opponent. Again notice what gets in your way or limits you and whether you’re being held back by what’s happened before, in the past.  The end of the month is perfect timing for a reality check and to ensure that you don’t let boundaries or obstacles get in the way of you pursuing your dream relationship or partnership. Keep it real at the same time as you face any fears and you can believe that anything’s possible.

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