Virgo Monthly Stars February 2014

Virgo Ukraine StampVirgo (23 August-22 September)

Mercury, your ruling planet, entered your opposite sign of Pisces on the last day of January. This turns your attention toward love and relationships and key partners in your life. If you want to spend time with someone special, the first weekend of February looks magical.

However, Mercury’s not been in romantic Pisces for long before it turns retrograde, i.e. gives the illusion of moving backward through the zodiac, on the 6th. So what’s changed and what might this mean? What’s interesting to note is that Venus, Goddess of love, was retrograde in Capricorn, the sign that rules love affairs and new romance in your chart, throughout January.

Mercury picked up the baton with regard to love and now it too is on go slow. It seems as if whatever issue you’re experiencing with regard to own your love life isn’t going to get sorted out for a while yet. Mercury retrograde represents things that are hidden and often you have to wait until Mercury turns direct, which takes place on the 28th, before you get the full picture or hear information or news you’ve been waiting for.

The Sun also moves into Pisces on the 18th but makes only one aspect to Neptune on the 23rd and this doesn’t help with regard to offering a clear picture. Neptune represents the veil and is associated with illusion rather than reality. Yes, it can be extremely romantic but it’s not a love that’s built on solid ground and the practicalities and nitty-gritty of a relationship are yet to come.

So it’s important to relate all of this to your own situation. Perhaps you have fallen head over heels in love with someone whilst you’re married or in another relationship or you’ve fallen for someone who isn’t available. The romance is there but you have to keep your relationship private for now. You may be married or in a long-term relationship and be questioning your togetherness and wanting more from love.

Whatever your current situation, know that the turning point comes towards the end of the month and once Mercury is direct again, then things start to fall into place. You may have to wait for Mercury to return to Pisces on the 17th March before you know exactly where you stand or what you want.

If you’re single however and you meet someone this month, there is a good chance that the relationship will last as Venus continues to move steadily forward through Capricorn and your romance sector. Take your time and enjoy getting to know one another and if you want to have a more serious conversation about the direction in which your love life is heading, opt for the 25th when Venus and Saturn come together in a sextile or easy planetary aspect.

Mercury spends half of the month retrograde in Aquarius, one of the work sectors of your chart, so here too you have to be more patient than usual and wait to see what’s happening. There could be rumours about things slowing down or coming to a halt with regard to work, especially on or around the 11th or 19th when Saturn squares the Sun and Mercury respectively.

Perhaps someone leaves work and this makes things difficult for everyone else or a boss says ‘no’ to your own request. Saturn can represent fear or doubt and you may be unsure about where you’re heading or your job security. Again bide your time and know that by the end of the month your situation will be more stable.

You do have Mars, the action planet, in Libra and your money sector throughout February so this is a good month to pursue cash matters and money-earning ventures. The weekend of the 15th/16th looks especially lively and what takes place at this time can help improve your cash situation.

It’s important to look after your own needs with regard to money and if necessary to be fiercely independent especially if you are unsure about what next with regard to work. Mars too turns retrograde in March so February is the month to sort out your personal finances and ensure that everything’s ship shape.

Finally, there is a rather risky planetary aspect on the 26th between Jupiter in Cancer and your friendship sector and Uranus in Aries and your joint finance sector. These two planets symbolise the gambler or entrepreneur, a desire to be free of restriction and a willingness to take risks. They are square to one another so it’s not an easy connection and if you do take a financial risk, then it’s important that you can afford the loss if it comes. The same goes if you want to lend money to a friend or you ask for a loan. Money may exchange hands with a show of generosity but there’s a possibility that it won’t be paid back. Give with no strings attached.

Having said that, Jupiter is currently strong in Cancer and exudes a protective influence so do weigh up carefully any new openings that come your way towards the end of the month. You will have a little bit of luck on your side and with Mercury, your ruler, turning direct two days later, there is a chance that you can sneak things through and grab a last-minute win or opportunity.

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