Virgo Monthly Stars August 2012

Virgo Zodiac StampThere are important developments with regard to work or your health as the month gets underway due to a promising Full Moon on the 2nd. Jupiter, planet of opportunity, is currently at the top of your chart ruling your career and vocation and over the next 10 months, do what you can to improve your current situation.

The key to your success is to reach high and be bold and ultimately to find a way to do what you love and free yourself from a job or situation that you no longer enjoy. Jupiter feels hopeful and is the planet of success but it’s up to you to make the most of this opportunity and to expand your world and to follow up ideas or contacts to move you ever closer to your dream job.

If you have been struggling recently, this may be due to your planet Mercury which has been retrograde i.e. on go slow since July 15th. Mercury’s hidden away in your chart in your previous sign of Leo so this suggests a focus on your inner life. You may have found it hard to think clearly, experienced worry or doubt or have felt alone or experienced a period of solitude. It’s all well and good if you’ve been able to use this period productively either on a spiritual path or to rejuvenate your health or energy but that’s the ideal scenario. If you’ve felt confused or unsure, Mercury turns direct on the 8th so after this date you can expect a positive change in your perspective that directly affects your current situation.

Mercury remains in Leo until early September and this is your chance to hone your intuition, trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice. If you are on a spiritual path, you’re perfectly in tune with your stars. If you are creating more quality “me-time” for yourself, same applies. So don’t rush things this month if you can help it and focus on your own well-being.

Mercury’s direct motion means it’s a good time to raise any issues that have been troubling you either with your other half or other key individuals in your life. Clear and honest communication paves the way for better and more meaningful relationships.

Jupiter is your partner planet and it’s helpfully positioned this month. If you are married or in a steady relationship, when life goes well for your other half this has a knock on effect in your own life. Your partner may be especially supportive or helpful and, at the very least, create the opportunity for you to be heard. Key dates for love and relationships are the 2nd, 22nd and 31st. On the last day of the month, there’s a second Full Moon, a blue moon, this time in Pisces and your opposite sign and this is a wonderful date to make a commitment to each other, to set a date for a party or celebration or make a decision about parenting.

Romance is not far away this month either as Neptune is active on the 9th and 26th. This is good news whether you’re loved up or single, so ensure you do something extra special on these dates and make the most of love. If you’re looking for love, friendship and love are linked, whether you fall for someone you’ve known for some time or a friend’s introduction is the start of a new romance. Take care on the 15th/16th, however, when a volatile mix of planets suggests a love clash or confrontation. Flirting with a friend’s partner is a no-no, at least if you want an easy life.

Finally this month, there’s important financial news. Mars, the planet of action, has been in Libra and your money sector since early July and on the 15th Mars meets up with Saturn. This is a decisive combination but not necessarily easy. A lot depends on your current situation and how your finances have been since Saturn started its three year journey through Libra back in October 2009.

If times have been exceptionally tough, the Mars/Saturn combination suggests tough measures are again needed and it’s important to do what’s right for you even if it feels uncomfortable or difficult. If Saturn has brought lack rather than discipline and effort, then it may help to know that Saturn’s moving on in early October. This month, the 17th and 20th look helpful and if you trust your instincts and do what feels right, you can improve your financial situation.

This is not the best month to be extravagant but it is a good month to look for help. Get financial advice if you need it and explore new or different opportunities to earn extra cash. This may involve the internet and becoming cash savvy or learn how to get the best financial deals. A new approach to money matters spells success so don’t dismiss any ideas, however new age or bizarre they appear at first. Friends are there for you too this month and friendships have the potential to be both inspirational and supportive. Be there for your friends when they need you and you create a giving and cooperative cycle of love and kindness.

[photo from]

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