Virgo Monthly Stars April 2015

flowerVirgo (23 August – 22 September)

Your ruling planet Mercury is in on the action this month which suggests that you too will be in the thick of things especially over the Easter weekend.

This is because there’s a powerful Lunar Eclipse which takes place on the 4th and eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light.

Their theme is shadowy and if you’ve been avoiding dealing with one particular situation, it’s likely that the Easter weekend is when you have to confront whatever you’ve been putting off or you’ve been unaware of.

The eclipse cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart so this highlights money, your own money and personal possessions plus money you share with other people, joint finances and shared resources.

This is potentially a volatile time as the eclipse links in to the Uranus-Pluto square which took place last month on March 17th. Money matters or emotional ties cannot be ignored.

Take care if you do become embroiled in an argument or debate because your ruler Mercury is currently in Aries, the straight-talking sign and this is especially fiery and impulsive. At least it brings things out into the open so they can be dealt with head on but if someone wants to start an argument for the sake of it, yourself included, nip it in the bud and fast.

You might understand more about what this eclipse means for you by thinking back six months as this eclipse is similar to an eclipse that fell on October 8th 2014. The Lunar Eclipse on that date was at 15 Aries/Libra and the Lunar Eclipse this month is at 14 Libra/Aries.

As both eclipses pull in the transformative duo of Uranus and Pluto, it’s likely that money is currently a hot topic. Whether you’re trying to get out of a financial arrangement that doesn’t work for you, whether your attitude towards money and earning is shifting, whether money is a topic that’s currently shaky or uncertain, you sense that things have to change.

Tradition states however that you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action and you might find that by the 6th you’re starting to think differently about your situation. The most supportive planet in the whole configuration is Jupiter which is currently in your previous sign of Leo. This brings out the side of Jupiter that’s linked to trust and faith and Jupiter’s influence will help you remain positive and find the silver lining in any potential cloud.

Jupiter represents charity and giving so you might be in a position to help someone else out or give money away or perhaps you’re the one who receives a gift or favour. Keep an open mind but know that something’s got to give and changes are underway. Astrology reveals that money and emotions are closely linked and right now money matters are especially sensitive.

There are two dates when you can make strides with regard to money matters and get things moving. They are the 10th when the Sun and Mercury come together in Aries, a perfect date for a meeting or conversation that can help you move things forward financially.

The other date is the 18th when there’s a New Moon in Aries and this offers you the chance for new beginnings, to make a fresh start, to shift your attitude or mind-set. Set your intentions at the New Moon and for the next two weeks be proactive and implement your financial goals.

Work is also under the spotlight for you this month and this is leading up to a busy time of year for you work-wise. Venus is the planet of relating and she enters Gemini and your career sector on the 11th. This is your cue to use your network of contacts if you’re looking for work and to have more fun at your place of work.

When Venus is in play, this indicates that socialising with colleagues can help shift the dynamic at work and getting to know people who you work with better not only boosts productivity but makes work a more fun place to be. Whatever your personal work situation, think team work and get together with other people for support and encouragement.

If you’re looking for love, you might meet someone through your work or via a work introduction. The 22nd and the weekend of the 25th/26th are fun and happening on the romance front. Plus if you need to ask a favour at work or outsource what you do, this is the time to go for it. Working alongside others to boost your success and general work happiness is the way forward.

On the 14th, Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your fellow earth sign of Taurus and against the more unstable backdrop of money and emotional ties, it’s here in this sector of your chart that you find the stability and groundedness that’s missing elsewhere. Look into gaining new qualifications, sign up for a course, improve your knowledge or learn something new.

Expand your horizons too and think of what you can do differently that will not only be enjoyable but life-enhancing. Take some time out with a loved one or enjoy a romantic day trip with your partner. Even a cheap holiday or trip away will be a breath of fresh air and if you have got the funds for more, then book a holiday away together.

In the last half of the month, find something you’re passionate about and commit to learning a new skill or talent. The more you put into your life, the more you get back. If you’re a parent, spend quality time with your child or children. Ensure life’s fulfilling on a daily basis and make the most of simple pleasures.

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