Virgo Monthly Horoscope November 2015

skeleton, VirgoVirgo (23 August – 22 September)

As November begins there are three key planets in your sign of Virgo and this is your cue to put yourself first and focus on your personal goals and aims.

One of the planets in Virgo is action planet Mars which remains here until the 12th. Mars rules ambition so stay focused on your path ahead and look at ways of taking charge to ensure that life works for you rather than feel you’re being lead.

Mars is the planet which rules sexuality and as Venus, the love planet, is also in Virgo until the 8th, this is potentially a special time for you when it comes to love and relationships. Certainly it’s not often that the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, come together in the same place in the zodiac and when they do in your sign, it’s even more unique.

This big event takes place on the 3rd and if your birthday falls between the 16th-18th September, then it’s especially significant for you. Yet all Virgos can benefit from this dynamic duo lighting up your personal sector. It indicates good news on the love front, there’s an atmosphere of cooperation and the flow of giving and receiving is strong.

Be with the ones you love and make the most of this romantic vibe. It’s also a good time to boost your profile and consider your image and appearance and how you come across to others. You’re the sign of the moment when Venus and Mars link arms in Virgo.

Plus Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and growth, is now firmly established in your sign of Virgo. Jupiter represents luck and good fortune and the more positive you are, the more good things come your way. Live life adventurously, be entrepreneurial, take risks and be bold. The first fortnight is brilliant for networking, making new connections and generally speaking up and getting your message across.

There is a second reason why powerful communication is key to your success and this is the movement of your ruling planet Mercury. Mercury rules communication and on the 2nd Mercury enters Scorpio and your communication sector where it remains until the 20th.

Mercury in Scorpio is an intense combination. It’s analytical, good for research and intimate heart-to-hearts. You can speak powerfully when Mercury is in Scorpio whether you’re selling, persuading other people to your way of thinking or you need to lay down the law. Step into your authority as your words have power.

Scorpio is also the sign which rules new connections, new faces and new places and this will be a busy month for you especially as the Sun is in Scorpio until the 22nd. Notice who you meet on or around the 11th when there’s a New Moon in Scorpio.

The New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the seeds you sow or the connections you make will create something special in your life in the week and months to come.If you work in any area where communication is vital, this is a powerful time for you so don’t hold back but speak with conviction.

Scorpio rules siblings, neighbours and your local community and it’s prime time to widen your social circle and reconnect with people close to you.

Money matters are also moving now and hopefully in the right direction. When Venus and Mars leave your sign of Virgo on the 8th and 12th respectively, they enter Libra and your personal money sector. For some Virgos, it’s been a dramatic time financially with numerous twists and turns but this month on the whole indicates a more peaceful and flowing vibe.

Ideally you want to reach a happy balance with regard to money matters rather than feel that you never know what’s round the next corner. The trickiest couple of days are the 21st-23rd when Venus in Libra clashes with the outer planets Pluto and Uranus.

This spells volatility and with the planet of surprises Uranus in your joint finance sector, anything goes. Not everyone you’re involved with will want the same level of security or stability as you do and this could cause friction. Negotiate well and try and keep other peoples’ volatile emotions on an even keel.

Towards the end of the month, you might encounter a personal issue with your nearest and dearest, one that’s not easy to solve. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius down at the base of your chart ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. Wherever you find Saturn in your horoscope, you can encounter difficulties or a heavy atmosphere.

This might indicate problems with the state of your home, the bricks and mortar; it might present challenges if you need to move or you find the level of responsibility rises whether you’re caring for children, parents or another family member.

Plus this month, Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces, is pulled into the mix and Pisces rules your 1-to-1 relationships. The turning point comes on the 18th when Neptune turns direct in the heavens but the big week is the 25th/26th and 29th/30th. Your ruler Mercury joins Saturn in Sagittarius on the 20th followed by the Sun on the 22nd.

This is where the action’s at and you need to consider those things in life which you can’t change. Once you’ve established what’s a given, then it’s about knowing how to deal with this in your own life, especially when other people are pulled into the mix. At some point, you might have to relinquish control and recognise that you’re not going to get things exactly the way you want.

The work/life balance is under the spotlight at the Full Moon on the 25th and trying to juggle the different areas of life could feel overwhelming. Do the best you can when events at home or within your family affect you personally. This phase will pass although it will show you clearly where your responsibilities lie.

2 thoughts on “Virgo Monthly Horoscope November 2015”

    1. Halloween/Day of the Dead theme this month as it’s Scorpio season. Yes, I agree Virgo is probably the most scary… I loved the field of wheat/corn for the Virgo theme though 🙂

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