Virgo Monthly Horoscope March 2016

Virgo Monthly Horoscope March 2016

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

This is a big month in the heavens and a lot of the planetary activity is taking place in your opposite sign of Pisces.

Your ruling planet Mercury moves quickly through the zodiac this month and spends just over two weeks in Pisces from the 5th to the 22nd. So one way or another, the focus is firmly on relationships, both personal and professional.

There is every possibility that this will be a momentous month for you when it comes to love and romance. Love planet Venus is in Pisces from the 12th and romantic Neptune remains in this sector of your chart. If you’re in a relationship or happily married, this month promises some gorgeous moments. The 20th looks especially romantic when Venus and Neptune come together in the heavens.

In addition, the eclipse on the 9th also takes place in Pisces and eclipses are game-changers, they coincide with dramatic events, a twist of fate. Life moves up a notch as the volume is turned up full. If you’re single and looking for love, this month’s events could turn your life upside down in a good way.

Yet it is also important to mention that there is a potential imbalance in the astrology this month. The odds are stacked heavily in your opposite sign and even if love and relationships are going well, there will be times when you feel it’s too full on. You could lose sight of yourself and your own identity if you feel sucked into a vortex of romance and strong emotions.

Sometimes when there’s strong emphasis on your opposite sign you feel exhausted if you’re giving too much or there are a lot of people with demands on your time and energy. Don’t forget that you have Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, in your sign of Virgo and Jupiter rules freedom, personal growth, and fun.

This is prime time to focus on yourself and to pursue your own personal goals and aims. It’s important that you find a healthy balance within any relationship or partnership in your life. If you sense that the scales are tipping too far in one direction, it’s important to realign them at the first opportunity.

If your current relationship situation doesn’t make you happy, then this month’s stars offer you a chance to break free, to move on. The planets currently in Pisces are healing and soothing but also vulnerable. You may flip between wanting to give to another person and to love yourself.

Remember that you’re one of the earth signs so keep your feet on the ground and engage your common sense when it comes to love and both personal and professional relationships. Don’t get lost in a fantasy world where you lose sight of reality. Have your trust antennae at full alert so you can suss out who is deserving of you and who’s not.

One of your best days this month is the 16th when Jupiter in Virgo aligns with the planet of transformation, Pluto, in Capricorn. This is right up your street as it’s strong earthy energy akin to your own nature.

Together these two planets conjure up something magical, they represent big power and hidden riches. If you meet someone new this month and need to make a decision about them, choose the 16th. Pluto rules the sector of your chart which governs romance, also children, creativity, entertainment and fun. Basically this is about doing whatever gives you pleasure and being with people whose company you enjoy.

Not everyone will have your best interests at heart this month and you might have a challenging situation to contend with at home or within your family. The taskmaster of the heavens Saturn is currently in Sagittarius and your home and family sector and on the 6th of this month, Saturn is joined by action planet Mars.

Mars is a go-getting planet which is good news if you’re spring cleaning, wanting to move home or you have a lot of home and family decisions to action. Mars adds a tempestuous energy to family relations however as Mars also rules passion and anger.

Choose your battles carefully in the month ahead and steer well clear of anyone who’s itching for a fight. Channel your energy productively into tasks and projects rather than delve too deep into the murky world of complex family arrangements.

There’s a shift in energy after the 20th when first the Sun enters Aries followed by your ruling planet Mercury on the 22nd. Aries rules joint finances and shared resources so it’s time to turn your attention to money matters. This includes all financial transactions which involve a third party.

Usually when planets are in Aries, this is a good time to speculate and take risks with regard to money. However, first you need to avoid the lunar eclipse on the 23rd which cuts across the money axis of your chart.

Make sure your money is safe and secure and don’t get involved in any financial deal close to the eclipse date. Instead wait a few days or even a week after the eclipse by which time you can act decisively.

The last two days of the month look lively for money matters when your ruler Mercury teams up with Saturn and Uranus. This links your money sector with your home and family sector and it’s by combining these two areas in some way that you can benefit financially.

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