Virgo July 2020

Friends & Connections

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in caring Cancer throughout July. Cancer rules your friendships and group projects. You could be more active within politics or a humanitarian or environmental group.

Certainly, it’s a key month to consider your group activities, which work for you and where you need to let go and move on.

Friends could take up more of your time this month, especially if you have some friends going through challenging life situations. Be there for others but be careful of over-giving, which is a Virgo trait. Ensure you have time and space for your projects too.

Hone Your Craft

This is important as Saturn returns to Capricorn and your fellow earth sign on the 2nd, where it remains until December 2020. Saturn is the planet linked to self-discipline and mastery. You may have conquered a new skill or learnt a craft while Saturn’s been in this sector of your horoscope since late 2017.

With Saturn back in Capricorn, it could be time to flex your muscles once again and pick up a routine or habit that you’ve recently dropped. Basically, Saturn here hones your skills of precision and discipline.

Capricorn rules children and creativity in your horoscope, basically the things in life you ‘give birth to’. There could be significant changes for a child or around child-care early July. Or, with regard to your responsibility as a parent or grandparent.

This is partly due to Saturn’s move into Capricorn, also the final Lunar or Full Moon eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th. This has coincided with Saturn’s move through the earth sign and both events suggest the ending of a key chapter in your life. Consider where in life you need to pay more attention and where you need to hand over the reins.

Getting Real

There’s a ‘get real’ feel to both planetary events and this may be significant for you with regard to romance. Love could have been dreamy or elusive recently. You may have been wearing rose-coloured glasses and haven’t wanted to make an ultimatum or a final decision around love.

Once Mercury turns direct on the 12th, this is your cue to get active and make up your mind. Events on or around the 27th could prove glorious for love. Alternatively, this leaves you wanting or needing more. At its best, the Jupiter-Neptune combination spells good news for a partner which benefits your life too.

This month’s New Moon also takes place in Cancer on the 20th but, like the Lunar Eclipse, there’s a theme of endings rather than new beginnings.

Saturn opposes the Sun on the 20th and Saturn can blot out the Sun’s light. You could be parting ways with a social group or political alliance. Or, holding a friend’s hand as they undergo a specific life challenge.

Fire Signs

Work and money matters could pick up speed this month, especially with action planet Mars in Aries and your joint finance sector. You may need to be more ambitious when it comes to earning money or sorting out a financial matter. Certainly, there’s a lot of heat in this sector of your horoscope.

Be wary of loaning or lending money on the 8th or 27th and try not to fall out or clash over money either. Keep firm boundaries in place.

Finally, the Sun’s move into Leo on the 22nd is traditionally a cosmic call for you to take a step back, to relax and retreat. This is in order to prepare yourself for the Sun’s move into Virgo next month.

Listen out for the call of the new, especially on the 1st and 22nd. These dates could bring new excitements or ideas around travel, study and the bigger picture.

4 thoughts on “Virgo July 2020”

  1. Im virgo sun 29°Gemini assendant 4°Aries moon 24° my ex who I and my children have been trying to escape from will be in court on the 21st of July charged with stalking and intent to cause harm.. Again. Im really hoping for this new beginning. Im gounding, meditating and doing every thing I can to focus on myself and my family.. Heres hoping I finally after 14 years of living in this way I can find a sense of normality. Thanks Sally x

  2. Im virgo sun 29°Gemini assendant 4°Aries moon 24° my ex who I and my children have been trying to escape from will be in court on the 21st of July charged with stalking and intent to cause harm.. Again. Im really hoping for this new beginning. Im gounding, meditating and doing every thing I can to focus on myself and my family.. Heres hoping I finally after 14 years of living in this way I can find a sense of normality. Thanks Sally x

  3. I am very curious about the children theme. Funny enough, Sylvain, my suprise guest is a Virgo rising as well and he is going through same thing with one child. So we’re both hoping for reconnecting with our respective children. For Veronica, the alienation started with the very first eclipse in Cancer/Capricorn.

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