Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
Mercury Retrograde
Your planet, Mercury, acts as a useful guide to what’s happening in your own life. Therefore, the fact that Mercury is slowing down and turns retrograde on the 7th gives you a clue to how to pace yourself. Plus, Mercury remains retrograde, i.e. in retreat until the end of the month.
Also, Mercury switches direction in Leo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Leo rules rest and retreat in your chart and turns your attention inwards. This is an ideal time for prioritising self-care. Ensure you have plenty of quiet spaces in your life, a pause amongst the busyness.
At its most extreme, this could mean you’re on retreat or having to spend more time at home. Sometimes, you end up looking after other people when Mercury is in this most hidden sector of your horoscope. Put yourself and the ones you love first.
Mars Angst
Also, you may be dealing with some personal issues and this could be a time of inner change. It’s not necessarily a peaceful experience because there’s another planet in Leo, along with your ruler, Mercury. This planet is Mars, representing passion and anger, and Mars dives deep into Leo on the 1st, where it remains until mid-August.
Try not to give yourself a hard time while Mars is in this sector of your horoscope. Be kind to yourself and find tools and tricks to deal with any inner angst. The trickiest period is potentially the 8th to the 11th, the first few days after Mercury is retrograde. This is because Mercury and Mars make a powerful conjunction on the 8th and Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus on the 11th.
Put this altogether and you could be feeling frustrated or find that your plans don’t work out the way you want them to. Uranus in Taurus highlights your travel and study sector, so ensure you have plan B and C up your sleeve if you’re on the move. It’s a good idea to double-check paperwork, travel visas and correspondence earlier rather than later. Ideally, don’t leave things to the last minute.
Old Friends & Inner Intuition
Sometimes, when planets are in Leo, you find yourself going back to the past. This month is a key time for reconnecting with old friends and old faces. Someone might pop back into your life unexpectedly or you’re reminded of a person you haven’t seen for a long time. Follow any hunches or synchronicities and listen carefully to what life’s telling you. Trust your inner intuition.
On the 19th, Mercury moves back into Cancer and your friendship and group sector. Therefore, these areas of your life are highlighted during the coming month. This is especially significant because of two powerful eclipses taking place.
On the 2nd, there’s a New Moon or Solar Eclipse in Cancer and, on the 16th, there’s a Full Moon of Lunar Eclipse cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the horoscope. Plus, there’s another key planet involved, Venus, the planet of love and relating. Venus is in Cancer from the 3rd to the 28th and closely connected to the eclipse activity.
This suggests a reunion or hooking up with a lost love. Eclipses tend to be dramatic and are closely tied to the wheel of fortune. They bring what’s hidden to light and your life path can change instantly.
Letting Go & Caring Connections
It could be a month when you’re letting go of your association with a group, club or society that’s been important in your life. Or perhaps, you find yourself called towards a new association and ready to play your part in society, politics or humanitarian or environmental goals. Notice what happens on or around the eclipse dates as this is when key events are powerfully aligned.
Also, this month you can’t count out wanting to be there for a friend who’s going through their own dramas. Eclipses and Mercury retrograde together suggest unexpected events cropping up, things you didn’t see coming.
The eclipses also highlight children in your horoscope and lovers. In these areas, there might be some tough decisions coming your way, having to play the bad cop or lay down the law. Or perhaps, you find yourself dealing with the authorities when it comes to these areas of your life. If in doubt, be kind and caring at the same time as letting things go or letting things be.
Events on or around the 21st and 25th could be significant in this respect. This is when your planet Mercury teams up with the Sun, then Venus in Cancer. These combinations highlight caring connections, being there for others, taking on a caring role. You might choose to step in and adopt or mentor or help in some other way.
After all, you do have expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius and your home and family sector. This does suggest opening your doors to invite people in, to create a safe refuge, whether for a pet, a child or a person. Or perhaps, you’re the one seeking sanctuary.
Inner Peace & Preparation
On the 23rd, the Sun enters Leo followed by Venus’ move into Leo on the 28th. This combination feels more peaceful as if any troubles start to subside and you find a kind of inner peace. Plus, there’s a New Moon in Leo on August 1st, the same day as your planet Mercury turns direct.
Put aside the big decisions this month. Deal with what’s urgent and be there when you’re needed. If you can take time out to care for yourself, this would be an ideal way to spend a Mercury retrograde month. Even if it’s only a weekend or finding your own quiet space away from the noise to nurture yourself.
Think of this period too as a time of preparation getting ready for the next wave of planetary energy in your star sign, Virgo. This kicks in on August 18th.