Virgo July 2018

Virgo, earth

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

In the month of July, there is a strong emphasis on you and what you need and want in life. This suggests it’s time to put yourself first and other people second. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is hidden away in your horoscope, in the sign before yours, Leo. This is often a time when you benefit from retreat, quiet time, prayer or solitude.

Therefore, don’t line up too much in the month ahead and make time for you. There’s another planet in Leo up until the 10th, Venus, the planet of relating. You might be drawn back to your past now or return to a place you’ve been before that was meaningful to you. Wherever you are, ensure you find time to rest, relax and be pampered.

When key planets are in Leo, it’s a good idea to prioritise self-care or perhaps you’re looking after someone else, someone close to you. Think about why you might need more time alone, whether you’re caring, studying or preparing for a new chapter in your life, which isn’t yet underway.

Also, it’s unusual for your planet, Mercury, to remain in one star sign for the whole month. This is because Mercury turns retrograde in Leo on the 26th and remains on go slow until August 19th.

You probably know the drill when Mercury is about to switch direction. Before it does so, you’re wise to back up important files and correspondence and sort out any niggles or worries with transport or technology. Mercury retrograde is classic for mis-communication and things not working out the way you expect.

There are other reasons why this month is unusual in its planetary activity and there’s more focus on slowing down than speeding up. For starters, action planet Mars is currently retrograde and, as its retrograde phase lasts for longer, Mars will be in retreat until August 27th.

Mars is currently in Aquarius and the sector of your horoscope which rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. If you can take time out to think what next, this would be a wonderful period in the year for a sabbatical, to do less not more.

Or perhaps, life steps in to slow down your progress, whether you’re dealing with ill-health or a job comes to an end. Certainly, this is a month when it’s vital to lower your stress levels, any way you see fit.

The big planetary event lighting up the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac is a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse which takes place on the 27th. This eclipse is part of a cycle which began in August 2016 and lasts until January 2019. 

You might already be involved in major changes in your lifestyle, due to a health issue or feeling unfulfilled in your current place of work. Eclipses coincide with change but they’re also an opening to something new. They move you on, ready or not. Take your time towards the end of the month and don’t rush into things.

Friends also play a significant role in your life this month as the Sun is in Cancer and your friendship sector until the 22nd. Plus, from the 5th to the 8th, there’s a Grand Water Trine which involves the Sun Cancer teaming up with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. 

This creates a flow of emotion and lights up the people sectors of your horoscope. Plus, Jupiter and Neptune are boundless planets and co-rulers of your partnership sector. Therefore, this could be a truly magical time for your other half or bring the promise of new love your way.

Friendship and love are linked during this positive flow of planetary energy so reach out to other people and offer your services too. Big planet Jupiter turns direct on the 10th and this feels forward-moving, as if you can make things happen.

Jupiter in Scorpio highlights your communication sector, your local community, your siblings and neighbours. If any of these areas of your life have been quiet for a few months, reach out and catch up or extend your network while Jupiter’s in flow.

Three days later, there is a New Moon or Solar Eclipse on the 13th, in the star sign Cancer, i.e. your friendship and group sector. This is the start of a new eclipse cycle which lasts until July 2020 and cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac.

For you, this is about your social life, your group interactions and your relationship with children and loved ones. As Pluto opposes the Solar Eclipse, there’s a theme of endings as well as new beginnings. You may be cutting ties from a friendship group or find that the door shuts closed behind you. Or perhaps someone new comes into your life and impacts powerfully on your next steps.

Love could be part of this picture. This is because, on the 10th, Venus, the planet of love and relating, moves into your star sign Virgo where it remains until August 6th. This is a gorgeous planetary transit for you and this is often a time when you benefit from your relationships in more ways than one.  

Plus, once Venus is in Virgo, there’s a surge of earth sign energy, which is productive and grounding for you. Work alongside other people to fulfil your goals and aims, create a supportive or buddy-style partnership to keep you on track with what you’re hoping to achieve or hold your hand if times are tough.

Venus often brings a sense of gratitude or happiness to everyday activities when it’s in your star sign. This is a cosmic reminder to appreciate what you have, do more of what you love and make the most of life.

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