Star Of The Show
This is Virgo season when you have the Sun in your star sign Virgo until the 23rd. The Sun likes to shine bright and this can boost your confidence and vitality when the Sun is in your personal sector.
Plus, on the 5th, the Sun is joined by the second best planet Venus, ruling love & money, art & beauty, where she remains until the 29th. Perhaps, you’re winning over and schmoozing other people or you’re finding where you can help and be of service to others.
Everyone may want a piece of you, in a good way. You’re either popular, in demand or the person everyone needs, for one reason or another. If you want to boost your image and profile or further a personal goal or aim, this is the time to make it happen.
Your emotions are likely to be full and heart-felt this month, especially up to and including the Full Moon on the 10th. At times, you may find your close relationships overwhelming or confusing.
The Full Moon is likely to be a peak period in the month as it falls in your opposite star sign,Pisces. It’s a gorgeous Full Moon for celebration and being with the ones you love. This could be thanks to a proposal, a wedding or anniversary.
Yet, there may be some sadness if it’s a time when you’re remembering loved ones or there’s a sense of loss or past grievances emerge.
Be slightly wary on the 16th & 24th too, when you could lose yourself in love or recognise that you need to sacrifice your needs for someone close. Do what feels right and be aware that there may be a strong pull taking you away from your wants or needs.
Mercury Retrograde
Also this month, it’s important to note that your ruling planet Mercury changes direction on the 10th, the same day as the Full Moon. This could, therefore, coincide with a dramatic turn of events.
When Mercury is in retreat, you often need to review or revise your situation. It’s a good time to go back to basis and consider all your options.
Mercury switches direction in Libra and your personal money sector. Plus, as it does so, Mercury opposes big planet Jupiter in Aries and your joint finance sector. The key dates are the 3rd & 18th.
This combination suggests you may be involved in a complete overhaul of your finances. Perhaps, someone else’s support isn’t forthcoming or you recognise that too much money is going out and not enough coming in.
When Mercury’s retrograde and linked to finances in your horoscope, it’s not a time to make any major investments or big decisions regarding money. If you can, wait until October 2nd when Mercury turns direct or even October 10th when Mercury returns to Libra.
Also, Mercury goes back into your star sign Virgo on the 23rd where it turns direct early October. You may not only be reviewing your finances this month but your personal goals too. Mercury retrograde is great for inner work and diving deep into the psyche.
Equinox & Looking Ahead
Things do lighten up from the 23rd onwards, when the Sun’s move into Libra heralds the Equinox. There’s a New Moon in Libra on the 25th and a lovely Mercury-Venus alliance in Virgo on the 26th, even if Mercury is in retreat.
This is an ideal time to bring more balance and harmony into your life. It’s a month when you may choose to slow down the pace or life steps in to slow things down for you. You’re an earth sign Virgo with natural intuition. Use your instincts wisely this month without feeling you have to rush into any big decisions.
This is important too because you have action planet Mars at the peak of your horoscope in Gemini and your career and vocation sector. Mars is going to remain here for an unusually long time until March 2023. This combination can be ambitious or urgent. There may be an important reason why you’re having to crack on with work or future goals.
Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments between September 10th to October 2nd. Here are some more tips:
- be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
- take a step back, do less not more
- double-check everything, read the small print
- chase up old contacts, revisit the past
- use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
- rest & retreat when you can
- do your research & explore your options ready to act when Mercury turns direct
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