Virgo Horoscope May 2023

scouts, Virgo horoscope

The planet of relating Venus is in Gemini and your career and vocation sector until the 7th. On the 5th, there’s a lovely Venus-Jupiter alliance which promises good fortune and a nod towards money or work.

Yet, as the month begins, it’s worth considering your friends and connections. This theme runs throughout May as Venus moves into your friendship and group sector Cancer. Venus remains here until early June and joins passion planet Mars in Cancer. Mars remains here until the 20th.

Therefore, whatever you’re trying to pursue or achieve or make something of, don’t go it alone. Reach out to other people and team up, as together you’re bigger and better.

Lunar Eclipse

Also, this is eclipse season and on the 5th, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This eclipse cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and is part of the eclipse cycle which began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis is the educational sector of your horoscope. Therefore, it’s about schools and teaching, learning and knowledge. Scorpio rules siblings, neighbours and your local community, while Taurus rules travel, study and foreign connections.

An eclipse suggests you may have changes forced upon you. For example, a course could be postponed or cancelled. Or, a trip may have to be rescheduled. Alternatively, you could be going back to school as a teacher or be thinking about how to move your skills or business online.

Some hopes or dreams may have to be shelved or released and put back in the drawer. And, it may be time to be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve. Other new goals and dreams could emerge.

During this eclipse, the planet of change Uranus in Taurus sits opposite the Moon in Scorpio and your communication sector. Scorpio rules transport in your horoscope and Uranus is linked to technology. If you’re on the move, you might be taking a diversion. Or, perhaps technology lets you down.

A few days later on the 9th, there’s a powerful Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. This is a good time to think laterally and come up with clever ways of achieving your travel or study goals.

This is an explorative phase for you, so make the most of it. If there are changes to your plans, flexibility is the key rather than being overly impulsive. 

There are other ways this may play out. Perhaps, you dare to think differently and you’re ready to rock the boat. You could stand up for what you believe in and find your voice. Uranus is unconventional and alternative and it’s not a time to walk an everyday path. Instead, find the road less travelled.

Mercury Turns Direct

There’s another reason why you’re wise to explore your options rather than make any final decisions. This is because your ruling planet Mercury is the planet of communication and has been retrograde or on go slow since April 21st.

This can be a time when your plans change, things don’t always work out the way you expect them to and you have to be more adaptable and flexible than usual. It’s a similar theme to the eclipse that pulls in erratic Uranus.

Mercury turns direct in Taurus and your travel and study sector on the 15th. Therefore, this is the date when new information may come to light that helps you make progress.

It’s a good date to book a flight or trip or to sign up for a study course. This could prove to be a significant turning point. You may hear back from someone who could help to change the course of your life.

Jupiter Goals – Travel & Study

This theme is intensified because there’s a major planetary shift taking place which is good news for you. This involves the planet of opportunity Jupiter which enters your fellow earth sign Taurus on the 16th, the day after Mercury turns direct. Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 2024. 

Therefore, if you’re travelling or planning a big trip, you’re in sync with your stars. And, it’s one of the best months of the year to invest in a course or learning programme.

Jupiter takes approximately one year to journey through each sign of the zodiac. The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was twelve years ago – 2011/2012. Jupiter rules travel, study, philosophy, spirituality and any activity that expands your horizons and broadens your experience of life. 

If you want to travel abroad or live in another country, if you want to take a sabbatical from work and explore a new direction, it starts with believing and knowing that anything’s possible. Set your intentions as Jupiter’s year of exploration begins and let the universe hear your voice.

This is a wonderful opportunity to think globally, expand your network and reach out to other people in different countries and cultures. You may want to see the world or save the world as Jupiter is closely linked to philanthropy and charitable actions. Jupiter rules publishing, the law, truth and humanity. Stake your claim and begin your voyage of discovery.

New Moon, New Beginnings

To add to the forward-moving vibe in your life, the New Moon takes place on the 19th. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and an excellent date to set your intentions or launch a project. Plus, this New Moon falls in Taurus, the star sign of the moment. Expand your life in a new direction.

Maybe saying yes to a new path in life means that you have to say no to a current situation or close the door on your past. This is because as soon as Jupiter enters Taurus, there’s a clash between Jupiter and Pluto in Aquarius on the 18th. Pluto in Aquarius is in your work and health sector, so perhaps you decide to leave a 9-to-5 job to go travelling or follow your vocation.

You may ask for holiday leave and hear the word no. Perhaps, you’re concerned about your health or stress levels and you don’t want to leave making a big move a moment longer. Weigh everything up and be aware that you may have to make a tough decision.

What takes place could leave you feeling angry as Mars is involved in the planetary action. Mars enters Leo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope on the 20th. Immediately, Mars clashes with Pluto on the 21st and Jupiter on the 23rd.

Don’t hide your anger and turn it inwards. If you’re furious about something, be assertive and let someone know. The time for secrecy and keeping your thoughts private is over. Mercury retrograde and the eclipses have a hidden theme but this combination is personal and out there. You may be completely justified in feeling angry.

Think twice before you let someone hold you back and don’t give in to impossibility. Jupiter in Taurus is encouraging you to follow your dreams. Sometimes, life doesn’t make that easy. Yet, dig deep and, if it’s right for you, refuse to give up.

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