Your ruling planet Mercury is in Sagittarius until the 13th, the star sign which rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. The Sun also remains in Sagittarius until the 21st, the day of the Solstice. And, action planet Mars picks up the baton in Sagittarius from the 13th to January 24, 2022.
This turns your focus towards your foundations and your loved ones. This sector of your horoscope is also where there’s major planetary activity because of the eclipse taking place.
Solar Eclipse
On the 4th, there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, indicating a powerful new beginning. This is the last eclipse in a cycle that began in June 2020 and completes this month on the Full Moon in Gemini on the 19th.
The Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac represents the foundations of your life, your home, your work, what helps you feel safe and secure. Yet, eclipses aren’t known for stability or predictability.
Instead, they often coincide with change and the big events in life. Ultimately, the Gemini/Sagittarius axis highlights your parents, your connection to the past, your ancestry and legacy.
Eclipses sometimes coincide with an ending, when there’s a theme of letting go and moving on. In order to break free from a challenging situation, you might have to make a bold move first.
Yet, the Solar Eclipse can also represent a turn-around moment removing a block or obstacle in your personal life. If you’re trying to move home, for example, events on or around the eclipse could be the trigger you need to move forward.
The 11th & the 20th could be dates linked to a family celebration when first Mercury and then the Sun team up with bounteous, abundant Jupiter. These may be significant dates for your working life, your routine and your health.
Venus Retrograde
Also this month, there’s a lot of activity in a fellow earth sign Capricorn. Your ruling planet Mercury is here from the 13th and is joined by the Sun on the 21st. Most importantly, the planet of love and relating Venus is here throughout December.
Capricorn rules the sector of your horoscope that represents romance, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and luck. Actively embrace the pleasures that planets in Capricorn promise. Look on the bright side of life and make the most of what you have. Where can you make merry? Where can you find more pleasure and enjoyment in your life?
Venus turns retrograde this month on the 19th. As she switches direction, she conjoins with Pluto, the planet of transformation. These two planets come together on the 11th & the 25th. This combination suggests intense emotions, even obsession. If you’re in a love affair, things could turn steamy or dramatic. There may be a situation regarding a child, perhaps due to childcare issues or a child being secretive.
Tread carefully during this period in all your relationships and dig beneath the surface. Don’t be afraid of venturing into unexplored places and actively engage with what’s unknown. If you find yourself feeling disillusioned or yearning – key dates 7th & 12th – allow yourself to feel your emotions fully.
If events don’t work out as expected over the festive season, at least make time to connect and talk on a deep level between Christmas and New Year. The best date is the 29th.
Jupiter Enters Pisces
In affairs of the heart, the turning point could come at the end of December as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, enters your opposite star sign Pisces on the 29th. Jupiter remains here until May 10, 2022. Jupiter’s really been in Pisces from May 13 to July 28, 2021.
Pisces represents your relationship sector, both personal and professional. This is a wonderful period to get love right and do whatever it takes to find happiness within your one-to-one relationships.
This could spell good news for a business partnership or a joint collaboration. It’s love, however, that often benefits with Jupiter in your opposite star sign. For some of you, there could be wedding bells or a second honeymoon in the first four months of 2022.
Jupiter’s influence sometimes coincides with a lucky opportunity or a blessing that comes your way. Know that Jupiter is about giving as well as receiving. Therefore, reach out to other people and do your bit to help.
Jupiter can also help to release you from a challenging relationship as it’s the planet of liberation and freedom.
This might be an emotional month for you but also potentially a time when you realise the power and strength of love.
Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
- Venus is retrograde from December 19, 2021 to January 29, 2022
- Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money & beauty switches direction.
- Put off major love & money decisions until Venus turns direct late January.
- Use this Venus retrograde phase to wait, be patient, consider your love or money options, go into couples therapy, learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love & relationships.
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