Nurturing Friendships
Your ruling planet, Mercury, finally leaves star sign Cancer this month on the 5th. Mercury has been in your friendship and group sector since late May but this month, there’s a shift in emphasis.
If you’ve been supporting a lot of people, you might be ready to take some time out or focus more on you and your own needs. If friendships have been turbulent, another reason to stop and consider and take a step back.
If you’re a typical Virgo, you often get pulled into helping others so think about whether a change of gear would be beneficial.
You’ll also find out this month which friendships are nurturing for you, as Venus moves into Cancer on the 7th where it remains for the rest of the month.
This is about seeking mutually-beneficial friendships and connections, supporting and loving one another. Make a point of honing on the people you care about the most, not because you want to look after them but because they lift your spirits. The 18th is great for adventure and the 27th promises romance.
Retreat & Self-Care
In August, the Sun is in Leo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 22nd and this is often a time when you’re wise to chill out, relax and take it easy. Go on retreat and ensure you have some quiet time before life gets busy once again.
Your ruler, Mercury, is moving quickly throughout August and picking up the pace. Yet, it too moves through Leo in just over two weeks, from the 5th to the 20th. This is a good time to deal with any personal issues, work on your self-confidence and prioritise your own needs. Take good care of you.
The New Moon falls in Leo on the 19th and your planet Mercury is in the mix. Is there something you want to say, perhaps around forgiveness, either to yourself or someone else?
Where in life do you want more acknowledgement, compliments, even adoration? Speak up if necessary and do so in a way that’s connecting and authentic.
A Change of Plan
The Full Moon this month takes place on the 3rd with a strong focus on health and wellness. It’s about your working life too and the Full Moon is a good time to trust your intuition when making decisions. A job might start or end on this Full Moon, depending on your current situation.
Also, unpredictable Uranus is in action during the Full Moon and throughout August. Uranus turns retrograde on the 15th. As Uranus is in Taurus and your travel and study sector, this combination is restless.
You are going to want to broaden your horizons and a last-minute trip away could be on the cards. Yet, at the same time, ensure you’re flexible and don’t get too caught up on your set plans. Life might step in and lead you down a different path. In August, you’re wise to go wherever it leads you.
Money & All Things Taboo
Money matters are a key factor to what you can and can’t do this month. Action planet Mars is now in Aries and your joint finance sector. This can help you be more ambitious around making money or sorting out financial matters.
However, Mars does turn retrograde next month on September 9th, so ensure you aim to get transactions, payments, debt sorted by then. Plus, Mars clashes with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th, 13th and 24th so consider where money or emotions are a battle.
This might flag up a challenging situation with a child or lover and Aries does rules all things taboo in your horoscope. You may need to deal with a sensitive situation head on. The 16th/17th are the best dates to shine a light on a taboo issue.
Virgo Time
Finally, Mercury moves into your star sign Virgo on the 20th, two days before the Sun’s entry into Virgo on the 22nd. This is your time of year so ensure you’re ready to get back in the saddle.
Take time out before late August. Then, you can get your pens in order, line up some new goals and aims and focus on sorting things out, in a good way.
If you’re a true Virgo, you can only deal with so much chaos and surprise in your life. At the end of the day, you’re often most content when you have a regular routine and life feels stable and steady.