Virgo August 2017


Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

There’s not a lot of point trying to rush this month or get things done before they’re ready. In fact, if you can take some time out or slow down the pace of life, this would be preferable, for different reasons.

Firstly, your ruling planet Mercury is about to turn retrograde and is already beginning to slow down as August begins. The retrograde date is the 13th when Mercury switches to reverse motion and only turns direct three weeks later on September 5th.

What’s especially important about this retrograde phase for you is the fact that Mercury is in your sign of Virgo and it’s here for all of August. So this feels important. Usually Mercury whizzes through each sign of the zodiac in a couple of weeks but for now it’s decided to hang out in your sign.

Mercury in Virgo is brilliant for analytical thought, working out problems, being introverted, enjoying writing and journalling. It’s a good placing for Mercury as it can be detailed, precise and perfectionist.

So you might find now that you want to plan ahead, that you’re ready to stop and review the year that’s gone and think what next. You may choose to read more books, especially ones that add insight and understanding to your life. Or you decide to learn more about yourself, through a personal development workshop or course. Mercury in Virgo loves being the student.

Do however complete important correspondence and conversations by the 13th because after this date misunderstandings and muddles are more likely. Sometimes people go awol on you or you can’t get hold of a vital piece of information. You have to play a waiting game when Mercury’s retrograde.

There’s another reason however why you can’t rush things this month and this is due to the majority of the personal planets being in Leo, the sign before yours. This automatically turns your attention inward and often you’re dealing with events from the past.

The Sun is in Leo until the 22nd and passion planet Mars is here throughout the month. Some thoughts and feelings you will choose to keep to yourself now and this might include unrequited feelings for someone close.

There’s another factor involved here however and this is because of two eclipses taking place on the 7th and 21st. Eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light and they can be dramatic.

The first of the two is a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse which cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. This highlights your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. There might be changes in these areas that mean you get to spend more time on your own or you need to look after yourself more.

Self-care is important and ensuring that you consider your well-being not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. This would be an ideal month to go on a retreat or to follow a spiritual path. Even a holiday in the Sun would be a lovely way of enjoying the Sun Leo planet/sign placing.

It is also important however that you don’t ignore any warning signs, both with regard to your work and your health, and that you do take care of yourself and others.

This might be especially true during the Solar or New Moon Eclipse in Leo on the 21st. This is about money for you and your home or family. This is because of key planets that are pulled in to the eclipse pattern.

On the day of the eclipse, the Sun is trine Uranus in Aries and your joint finance sector. Yet this month the Sun also teams up with Jupiter in Libra and your personal money sector (on the 10th) and Saturn in Sagittarius and your home and family sector (on the 13th). Plus Jupiter and Saturn come together on the 27th, so this theme runs throughout most of August.

This is about coming together with other people to pool resources, to talk about plans to move home or move in together, to take care of loved ones. The Jupiter-Saturn combination is the solution to any problem that arises now and this might be linked to someone who needs special care and attention.

Leo also rules the part of your chart that’s to do with confinement, i.e. hospitals and prisons. Virgo is one of the caring signs of the zodiac so perhaps you want to look after other people now, to volunteer, to do your bit for society. Notice whether this calls you in the month ahead.

Friends too are part of the picture this month as the planet of relating, Venus, is in Cancer and your friends and group sector. This is where there’s a lot of love, happiness and joy. Hang out with your friends and catch up with one another.

Here too there might be issues to discuss or problems that arise, especially from the 15th to the 24th. You could be needed for advice and guidance in more than one relationship or friendship in the month ahead.

If you’re looking for love, Venus in Cancer links love and friendship in your life. The 12th is a stand out date when Venus teams up with romantic Neptune. This feels special so reach out to other people on this date and invite romance into your life.

It’s a big month coming up so don’t push too hard. Instead, relax and rest ready for Virgo season. Once the Sun is in your sign on the 22nd, you can slowly but surely pick up the pace. Remember however that with Mercury retrograde, it’s early September before you start to get moving once again.

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