1. Jupiter Trine Uranus [20 Leo/20 Aries] – June 22nd
“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul”.
– When Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, meets Uranus, the planet of surprises, you know this is something special, a lucky event, a breakthrough, a chance to break free.
– In mythology, Jupiter and Uranus were Sky Gods, so look to the skies for inspiration, be expansive, indulge in big thinking. These are future planets so use technology well, set new trends, keep one step ahead of the rest of the pack. Be innovative & unique.
– Both planets are in fire signs, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. Fire signs are the initiators of the zodiac, spontaneous & enthusiastic. Take a risk, be entrepreneurial, be lucky.
– This is the 3rd and final trine aspect between these two planets; the 1st took place on September 25th 2014 and the 2nd took place on March 3rd 2015. Look back to these dates for clues on how to make the most of this dynamic duo.
– If you have planets/angles within 2 degrees of 20 Aries/Leo/Sagittarius, this is a glorious breathtaking opportunity for you. Don’t miss out, be adventurous, be bold.
2. Mercury Turns Direct [4 Gemini 34] – June 11th
– I’m a traditional astrologer so I tend to view Mercury turning direct as the end of the Mercury retrograde phase which began on May 19th. If you hold the modern view and include the ‘Mercury shadow’ phase, you’re out of the woods on June 27th when Mercury gets back to 13 Gemini, the degree at which it turned retrograde.
– I love Mercury turning direct and I often try to push things through a couple of days before. It’s a key turning point in the heavens. Where can you try again? Think second chances, chase up anything that didn’t work out first time around, etc.
– Mercury is powerful in Gemini so be powerful too once Mercury turns direct. Speak with eloquence and authority, join in a debate, be witty & charming, write a persuasive letter/blog/article, use words to your advantage.
– Mercury direct is the green light, the switch flicking from off to on. New information comes to light, you hear the news you’ve been waiting for, plans get the go-ahead. Yee-haa!
3. New Moon Gemini [25 Gemini 07]
- – June 16th (15:05) London
- – June 16th (10:05) New York
- – June 17th (00:05) Sydney
– Mercury turning direct followed by a New Moon in the same sign is a clear indication to get back on track with all Gemini-related activities, i.e. paperwork, correspondence, important phone calls & emails, sales activities, gathering knowledge, gossip & socialising.
– A New Moon is a brilliant symbol for new beginnings, a chance to start over. Launch a project, set your intentions. When you first catch a glimpse of the crescent Moon in the sky, make a wish, as the New Moon has magic within it. (This happens one or two days after the actual event).
– Red lights turn to green, ‘no’ becomes ‘yes’, all systems go.
4. Venus Enters Leo – June 5th
– When Venus joins Jupiter in Leo on June 5th, you have two very important planets in one sign of the zodiac, one sector of your chart. This is because Jupiter and Venus are the benefics of the zodiac, i.e. the two best planets. Jupiter rules luck, opportunity, truth, blessings; Venus rules love, money, sensuality.
– Venus remains in Leo until October 8th, apart from two weeks when she is in Virgo late July. This is an unusually long time for the planet of love and relating to be in one sign of the zodiac as Venus usually takes approximately 1 month to transit each sign.
– Venus in Leo is a love fest as Leo rules celebration and partying and Venus rules love. It’s time to be gloriously demonstrative, to express yourself, to wear your heart on your sleeve, to be generous and giving in love and relationships, to be happy & indulge in fun and activities that you feel passionate about. It’s a creative combination that’s both attractive and attracting. Give and ye shall receive. Love who you are, love the one you’re with.
5. Solstice Party – June 21st
– The Solstices are important markers in the year as they pinpoint the longest and shortest days of the year. This is the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the souther hemisphere. Solstice means ‘sun standing still’ as the axis of the earth shifts heralding a new season on earth.
– The Solstices have been important times of celebration for many years. They invoke ancient ritual and traditionally fires are burned to celebrate the new season. The images on your monthly stars for June are in honour of the Solstice and include images of fire, ritual and prayer.
– In astrology, the June solstice is the day that the Sun enters Cancer.
6. Full Moon Sagittarius [11 Sagittarius 49]
- – June 2nd (17:19) London
- – June 2nd (12:19) New York
- – June 3rd (02:19) Sydney
– Full Moons are another great excuse for partying and celebration, when the light of the moon is at its brightest. Full Moon parties and rituals go on around the world on beaches and in temples. These celebrations link back to the time when our Gods were the Sun and Moon.
– This Full Moon falls in the fire sign, Sagittarius, known for its hedonism and love of life. Sagittarius was born to look on the bright side and to remain optimistic even in the face of adversity. This is the feel-good sign that stands up for truth and justice.
– Full Moons are the time to trust your intuition, when you see your situation with clarity as the Full Moon is big and bright in the dark of the night sky. Events come to completion, there’s a sense of fullness, ripeness, maturity about the Full Moon. Notice what you’re feeling as your gut instincts can guide you in the month ahead.
7. Saturn Moves Back Into Scorpio – June 15th
– It’s true that the planet Saturn isn’t exactly connected with the feel-good factor but this is an important planetary transit and Saturn at least gives you a breather for a few months wherever it’s been focused in your chart.
– Saturn was in Scorpio from October 2012 – December 2014 when it entered the fire sign Sagittarius. Saturn dips back into the late degrees of Scorpio for three months up until September 18th. This is most powerful for you if you have planets/angles at 28/29 Scorpio.
– Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens; it represents hard work and effort, discipline and commitment. This might indicate the recurrence of an old issue or problem or the chance to tie up loose ends and bring closure.
– Notice where Saturn is moving away in your chart and where you’re free to speed ahead. There’s more on this in your monthly stars.