The Doors Opening For You In 2016

2016 Astrodiaries

This is the third and final instalment from the Aussie Astrodiaries team on what’s coming up for you in 2016.

The Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Virgo mean there will be doors opening for us all! Here’s what’s in store. Remember eclipse symbolism; you have to close a door on the past in order to embrace a bright new future.


Life in 2016 can be as different as you want it to be. Never mind what you did for a living in the past, for example. You can change that in the coming 12 months, if you want to. You can also access far deeper levels of inner peace. Just say “Ommm…” March brings an eclipse in your Love Zone. Happy relationships will get a cosmic boost – but if you and your partner are at odds, watch out! It could be make or break. Single? It’s time to draw a line under the past and move on. Work-wise, you’re a definite power player. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “” .


It’s all about having fun for you, this coming year. And that’s not just because Saturn is no longer bothering you. Rather, the New Moon eclipses this coming year are lighting up your Friendship and your Fun Zones. And if that’s not a cosmic recipe for a good time, nothing is! There could also be some big professional developments for you this year, with one work cycle ending as another begins. The good news is that by September, you will be more popular at work than you have been for years, and you should be enjoying your daily routines more too. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “” .


With Saturn in your opposite sign, you know that 2016 is going to be a lot about hard work and ambitions. Happily there are professional doors opening up to you as well, thanks to the eclipses. So all that hard work isn’t going to be for nothing. Just as well! Like it or not, 2016 is going to be all about you learning from the people who challenge you the most. Be it your partner, ex, boss, parent or someone else, every time someone seems to be draining you, ask yourself; “what is the Universe trying to teach me?” Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “” .


If you want to get out and see the world, you have wonderful Stars for that this coming year. Publishing and study are also both really well starred for you in the coming 12 months. Change your thoughts and life will open up to you. (Tip: Thinking positively can be life-changing!) Plus, whereas the past few years were probably rather demanding and unsettling, personally and professionally, 2016 is looking way easier to handle. The good news is that any big changes in your personal or professional life look positive. So cut the dead wood from your life – and expect the best! Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


Your finances are due for some changes this coming year, thanks to eclipses in not one but both of your Money Zones. The first step is to believe (deep, deep down) that you’re worth it. Once you get your head around that, a substantial increase in your income really can follow. Make sure you don’t let that marvellous Leo sparkle of yours be dulled this year. Tedious Saturn in your Fun Zone means you might take life too seriously. Don’t! Just meet your obligations, especially re your kids, any creative projects and/or your romantic life, then schedule in some fun. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


It’s a big year ahead for you with the eclipse fireworks in your sign and your Love Zone. If you’re single, it’s a wonderful year to meet a long-term or even life partner. Attached? There is change afoot and it’s likely to herald the start of a memorable new phase. If you suspect there is change afoot in an important relationship, you’re probably right. The eclipse energy all over your chart say “forget about the past and think about how you want your life to look”. Start by working out who and what really matters to you, and go from there. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


A new cycle starts for you in 2016; your daily life is going to be different. Harness the energies by deciding what you really want to achieve and then dedicating yourself to it. What do you want so much for yourself that you’re willing to work really hard for it? This year, think and talk positively. Think and talk about what you do want, don’t think or talk about what you don’t want. Manage this and the rest of your life will be transformed for the better. Also, as of September you’ll happier and more popular than you have been in years. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


After the hard slog of the past few years, the cosmiverse is sending you message after message to remind you to enjoy yourself. If you have become a bit of a work-a-holic in recent years, the celestial activity in 2016 should shake you out of that! Let it go! And think of 2016 as your recovery year. You have had such a lot to contend with but now it’s time for you to breathe and relax. Look at which pressure situations in your life need to be released. The key to success this year is to love yourself.  Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


It’s a very big year ahead for you and change is forecast at work and at home. Remember that with all the karma around you now, your actions in 2016 will have a major impact on your life in the years to come. New possibilities should open up personally and professionally. This is one of the most important years you’ll ever have, no joke. You have the chance to build the life you want for yourself. It’s not going to happen overnight, obviously. But if you commit to your dreams, then you’ll lay down important foundations for the next 30 years. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


There is a school of thought that tells us that ‘our word is our wand’. In other words, what we say is what we get. This year coming, your life will blossom if you decide to eradicate moaning and complaining from your life. Instead, talk about what you want. Face your fears in 2016, too. There is a long-winded astro-reason as to why you should do this but we don’t have space! Just know that if you deal with what worries you now, the next five years will be better and better. PS After September, you’re on a 12-year career high. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


Whether you’re keen to make it on your own or you’re dreaming of teaming up with someone else on a collaboration, you have great financial Stars in the year ahead. Forget about whatever happened in the past. This really is a year when things can change for you re cash. Use this year to work out who your friends really are. Don’t waste time with the people who don’t really matter to you. Don’t spread yourself too thin socially, either! Use this year to turn yourself into a reliable friend for life to the people who matter. It’s an exciting year ahead. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.


If you’re single and wondering if and when you’ll meet someone, hang in there; 2016 could be the year, as a New Moon eclipse triggers your Love Zone. (But first you have to move on from the past). Attached? Use this year to reinvigorate your relationship. Bring back the romance. With this eclipse energy raging in your chart, rush into 2016 head-on. Keep in mind the idea that it’s a year when you really can leap from one way of being to another, if you so desire. Whether you want to make major personal or professional changes, go for it. Get your daily and in-depth year ahead forecasts in advance in your awesome 2016 Astrodiary “”.

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