Taurus Your Year Ahead 2017

Taurus, 2017Every year I write a popular and comprehensive annual eBook which is your guide to the year ahead.

It includes horoscopes for each of the 12 star signs and an extensive overview of the year’s astrology.

It’s a must-have read and will help you plan ahead and get ahead in 2017.

Below is a summary of what’s in store for Taurus. If you would like to purchase the eBook, click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today. Only £10 for all 12 star signs.

Taurus – 2017

Look after yourself as 2017 begins and set new healthy habits in place. Your emotional well-being is closely linked to the mind-body-spirit connection so aim for balance in all areas of your life.

February to early June is a key period in the year to focus on self care and to take the pace slow. Line up a retreat, learn to meditate and get to know yourself on a deeper level.

Your love life could prove to be extraordinary especially in the last quarter of 2017 when passion and intensity combine to make this a positively powerful period for love and relationships.

It will be hard to resist a deep attraction to someone who has the ability to transform your life. This could be a turbo boost to your sex life or a desire to commit to the one you love wholeheartedly.

Where money’s concerned, you’re continuing to build towards the future and it’s a positive year to start a new savings plan. Be progressive when it comes to wealth and prosperity and look into new ways of investing your money or using it to help others.

Your working life requires a flexible outlook and changes at home or within your family could be the catalyst for a new job, a shift in pace, different priorities. Don’t expect to be doing the same work at the beginning of 2017 as you are at the end.

As the year comes to a close, turn your focus towards your long-term goals and choose your personal mountain to climb.


Want to read more? Click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today.

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