Taurus Your Year Ahead 2015

money planet made of euros

“Too much of a good thing is wonderful”

Liberace, entertainer, Sun Taurus (b. May 16 1919)


Taurus 2015 Year Ahead Summary

Houses and families dominate the main part of 2015 for you and it’s getting these areas of your life right that hold the key to your long-term happiness. If you’re ready for a change in either of these areas of your life, Jupiter is backing you all the way.

Lifestyle too is the key to everyday fulfilment and creating a healthy balance that allows you to feel healthy and vibrant as you go about your daily business. Money matters feel decidedly abundant later in the year but keep your eye on your long-term gains and ensure your finances are super-efficient. Whatever you begin, Saturn ensures that you’re in it for the long haul.

Your love life benefits too from an extra dose of passion especially when Venus and Mars get jiggy with it in the heavens and this is a brilliant year to give birth to a baby, a creative project or your heart’s desire.

If you would like to read the whole of your 2015 stars, Your 2015 Stars Year Ahead eBook is available to purchase for only £10 – all 12 star signs, 3,500 words per sign. Click here to order.

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4 thoughts on “Taurus Your Year Ahead 2015”

  1. Love your website.So well written and showing the exaxt position of the planets is a great idea! Any chance of you looking at roger Federer’s chart for big wins this year?? That would be one of the things that make my year. Thanks Sally and have a fabulous 2015!!!!

    1. hi Jackie, Happy New Year to you too. I will do my best to look at Roger’s chart. I know the Australian Open starts soon so that’s my cue to think about the tennis. Roger’s 2014 panned out quite well on the whole although the Grand Slam win eluded him. Here’s wishing Roger and you a fabulous 2015. best wishes, Sally

  2. Hi Sally, I have been anxiously studying Roger Federer’s natal chart along with his wife’s plus The Djocovich chart to see if Roger can pull it off tonight at Indian Wells. Apart from my favoutite’s (the Fed.) still having jupiter conjunct his mercury at 13 leo and uranus conjunct his sun at 15 I can’t figure out a win or loss. The moon will be in early taurus which stumps me. Being such a big Federer fan I’m going nuts!!! I’m sure that you,being the terrific astrologer you are have the answer. But big ? ….is there time for an answer??? All my best, jackie

    1. hi Jackie, sorry to reply too late to help. Djokovic won. Uranus was exactly trine Federer’s Sun Leo – amazing! Yet Uranus is an unpredictable element. Federer is playing well and he will continue to be boosted by Jupiter until late May but I don’t know whether that will be enough for him to win titles. Djokovic is an unstoppable force when he’s on form and any match result seems dependent on how Djokovic plays rather than how his opponent plays. Sending best wishes and look forward to meeting you soon. Sally

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