Venus Leads The Way
Your ruler Venus enters your fellow earth sign of Capricorn on the 5th where it remains until the end of the month. This is a good time to work on your long-term goals and line up some new adventures for the year ahead.
Venus in Capricorn is about the bigger picture in life and travelling far and wide to seek fulfilment or knowledge. It’s about discovering your purpose or what gives your life meaning.
This would be an excellent time to draw up a wish list or consider your qualifications and what you want to learn or know more about. It’s a period of inner growth when you may want to better yourself in some way and make the most of all that life has to offer.
If you’re travelling or planning a trip this month, you’re in sync with your stars. And, it’s one of the best months of the year to invest in a course or learning programme.
Venus teams up with Uranus in Taurus on the 19th, the day of the eclipse – see below. It seems that what takes place unexpectedly could benefit you and fast. Notice where you can take advantage of change. It could be a bumpy month for some people but you may sense the wheel of destiny turning in a way that benefits you most.
Eclipse Season
A new eclipse season begins this month that’s super important for you. This new eclipse cycle will cut across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac highlighting relationships in your life, also your identity, your personal goals & aims. This eclipse cycle lasts until October 2023.
The first eclipse takes place on the 19th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but you’ll notice the intensity of eclipse season before then. This is because the New Moon on the 4th is potentially exciting and volatile too. This New Moon falls in Scorpio and your relationship sector but is opposed by Uranus, the planet of change, in your star sign Taurus.
This combination is volatile & unpredictable. You could be standing up against the status quo. Or, be ready to break ties or part ways from a relationship or partnership.
Alternatively, meeting someone new could turn your life on its head. Uranus is the planet linked to technology, so it may be someone you meet online, someone alternative or unconventional who immediately lights up your life.
Eclipses can coincide with drama. Relationships are where there’s intensity in your life and it’s wise to pay close attention to what’s happening. Meeting someone new could start a period of self-transformation and dramatically change your attitude to life. Or, you recognise the impact your actions are having on other people.
Listen carefully to your emotions during the Full Moon phase. Ideally, wait a few days after the actual eclipse before making an important decision. The eclipse falls in your star sign Taurus so it’s imperative that you trust your instincts and listen to your natural intuition.
Scorpio Time
Scorpio season could be incredibly lively this year as the Sun is not the only planet in Scorpio. Here’s the pattern:
Planets in Scorpio:
- Mars (action/drive) – all month
- Sun (illumination) – until the 22nd
- Mercury (communication) – 5th to 24th
Love and relationships could prove exciting with Mars your partner planet adding to the rush of planetary activity in Scorpio and your relationship sector. You could rediscover your passion. If you’re married or in a long-term relationship, do something adventurous as a couple and put the spark back into your sex life.
Yet, it’s here where there’s intensity and this month could expose any issues or limitations. The 10th looks lively when Mars and Mercury come together – this combination can be enthusiastic but argumentative too. Plus, both planets are squared by Saturn in Aquarius and your career and vocation sector. You may be up against a tough competitor or be fighting for your job or role.
Fast forward to the 13th & 17th and Mercury and Mars are opposed by Uranus in your star sign Taurus. Wherever your life has changed monumentally over the past year, you’re likely to be back at the tipping point. You’ll discover who’s on your side and who’s not.
It may be the time to take a stand against someone who’s behaving badly. You could be incensed about corruption or wrong-doings or perhaps you have no choice. Don’t take any unnecessary risks, however, and do be aware that standing up for yourself could have consequences. It’s potentially tricky astrology to navigate well.
Sagittarius Season
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd followed two days later on the 24th by Mercury, the communication planet. Fire signs are motivated and you may be more than ready to leave the darkness behind and embrace the future.
Sagittarius rules joint finances in your horoscope so be entrepreneurial and get back on track with your money goals for 2022 and beyond. If you’re true to your star sign, you have a good business head and make sound investments. Dealing with what’s visible and tangible could bring more satisfaction your way than diving deep into the dark places.
Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts
Eclipse season is here and a new Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle is underway. Here are some eclipse tips:
- Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that we’re not always in control.
- Don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
- Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
- Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
- Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – they offer a turning point.
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Hi Sally. Happy birthday. The last full moon was literally in my exact 1st house Aries degree and this lunar eclipse is again in the exact degree of my Sun sign in Taurus and the solar eclipse is in my exact degree of my 4th and 10th house. I don’t want you to waste to much of your time but as even as a novice this is a lot. I’m assuming a huge change in my home life???
Thank you 🙂 Yes, 4th/10th is the axis of home/work, also your past/future path. Often a significant couple of years as the wheel of destiny turns. Sending best wishes.