The Sun begins the month in your fellow earth sign of Virgo, a down-to-earth, practical sign and a nudge in your direction that the more you focus on fun and doing what you love, the happier you become.
Virgo rules the sector of your chart that represents your creativity, children, entertainment and love affairs. It’s all the good things in life so it’s about discovering what you enjoy and doing more of it. This is especially important if you’ve lost control of your life in some way and feel that other people are calling the shots, you’ve had too many demands upon you of late or you’re simply fed up of trying to make other people happy if it means you forget to be happy yourself.
The universe is calling you to put yourself and your own needs first and this message comes across thick and fast in September as Venus, your ruling planet, also enters Virgo on the 5th where she remains until the 29th. For most of the earth signs, yourself included, you flourish when you have the basics right and your life is settled and secure. Once you have your safe base in place, then you can start bouncing higher and higher to reach your chosen goals.
The 3rd and 14th look especially tasty when first the Sun and secondly Venus make positive aspects to the planet Pluto also in an earth sign Capricorn. These aspects make me think of the famous quote that begins: ‘until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness’. It continues ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now’.
Pluto’s power seeks out hidden riches and when used well, Pluto’s energy is magical as it’s the planet of transformation. In earth signs, this is especially powerful as you know how to make a commitment and stick to it. So here’s your opportunity to follow your dream, whether it concerns children, love, fun or creativity. That’s your decision.
There are two days this month when you may experience a wobble about what you want to create or achieve. These are the 9th and 10th when there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of your horoscope followed by a Venus-Neptune opposition. Neptune lacks boundaries and suggests insecurity, not believing you can have what you want. Go with the flow during this period because it’s also fertile and creative. Let your emotions take you wherever they choose.
If you’ve recently fallen in love, you may experience some hesitancy or feel let down or disillusioned. Check the facts and know that Neptune represents the veil, when you look at life or someone close through rose-coloured glasses. Your practical no-nonsense nature also needs to be clear about who’s going to pay the bills and whether love’s for keeps.
On the 11th and 21st, first the Sun and then Venus team up with sensible Saturn in Scorpio and even though this doesn’t necessarily promise romance, you’re able to look at the facts and get clear about what makes a healthy relationship. Loyalty and trust are paramount to relationship satisfaction and it’s the person who’s there for you day in, day out and keeps turning up regardless who brings you lasting happiness.
Mars, your partner planet, moves on from passionate Scorpio on the 13th and even though this suggests emotions cooling, it also means a more relaxed and peaceful phase for love. Put the arguments, tensions and dramas behind you. Mars leaving Scorpio is also a cue to let go of jealousy or obsessive behaviour and to create a relationship that’s based on freedom and trust.
Talking of relationships, the mid-month Full Moon may also throw up issues for a good friend and being there for someone you care about deeply means a lot. If this person believes they’re an outsider or chooses to walk the path less travelled which at times feels uncomfortable, be their anchor or sounding board.
On the work front, September will prove to be a busy month with lots of meetings, chat and negotiations as Mercury, the communication planet, is in your everyday work sector from the 2nd-27th. You bump into a familiar problem or issue from the 9th-13th when you may be unsure of where you’re heading and why or you lose the deeper purpose behind what you’re doing.
Try not to let this be a reason to fall out with someone you work with and aim for a peaceful atmosphere instead. The more you can get done this month the better as events next month may take you off on a tangent or bring changes that you weren’t expecting.
Work is also linked to your home, family or past and these areas of your life promise protection and in some shape or form play a supportive role. It may be as simple as knowing that you’re not alone or you choose to prioritise home and family above work.
The last week of the month is especially powerful when there’s a New Moon in Libra on the 24th and a chance to make a fresh start with regard to work, your routine or lifestyle, plus a magnificent Jupiter-Uranus trine aspect on the 25th. When Jupiter and Uranus work in harmony together, there’s a chance to achieve the impossible.
Jupiter is currently in Leo down at the base of your chart ruling home, family and where you come from and Uranus is hidden away boosting your intuition and your inner knowing. These two together feel lucky so look out for a new opportunity that comes your way or use this energy to turn your own personal dream into a reality.