Being a Taurus, you know all about being patient and taking the long route to success, i.e. steady application towards completing a task. This ability to proceed at a measured and cautious pace benefits you this month especially in the complicated department of relationships, both personal and professional.
On the 5th, two planets enter your opposite sign of Scorpio: Mercury, planet of communication, and Saturn, taskmaster of the heavens and planet of responsibility and discipline.
So you can expect more than one important negotiation to take place this month and it’s time to closely examine your one-on-ones to look at what works, what doesn’t work, where you want to commit and where you’re ready to move on.
Don’t take anything for granted on the partnership or relationship front but take your time and do your research. If you’ve recently met someone new, get to know them better before making a life-time commitment. If you’ve recently discovered a new business partnership, do your research thoroughly before you sign and seal on the dotted line.
The Sun joins the party on the 23rd also entering your opposite sign of Scorpio and on the 25th, the Sun and Saturn join forces. This signals a tough decision for you, highlighted by the Full Moon which takes place on the 29th, cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Whatever decision you make on or around this date is bound to be both significant and emotional.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that Mercury’s heading for another retrograde period next month in November and this does often bring up a theme of second chances. New information may be slow in coming to light or you may be harbouring a secret that would affect a one-on-one relationship or business partnership if it was revealed. This also suggests taking your time and valuing yourself enough that you don’t become involved with a partner who dominates you, controls you or has power over you. If you’re up a “Fifty Shades of Grey” relationship, here’s your chance but in the real world it’s healthy to create relationships and working partnership that are on an equal footing.
One area of life where you certainly won’t want to be cautious is money. Jupiter, planet of abundance, remains in Gemini and your cash sector throughout the month, although on the 4th, Jupiter does a turn-around in the heavens and you may find that a financial issue becomes less important or less urgent. However, that’s not to say this month is without its lucky breaks and the 9th looks glorious when the Sun and Jupiter work together in the heavens. This is a great day to look for new work, be offered a job or simply be lucky.
Mars, the action planet, is in the part of your chart that rules other peoples’ money after the 7th and again it looks as if speed is the key. If you’re a typical Taurean, you feel comfortable around money and if you sniff out a good investment this month, go for it and make it happen. You are bowling along at top speed with regard to cash matters but if you’re prepared to take a risk, then do it. The 15th is also a promising date for money when your intuition or natural instincts are spot on.
It’s probably best to rein in your generous nature or impulsive side by the 29th when Mercury joins Mars in the same sector and Mars and Jupiter oppose in the heavens. This could be ridiculously lucky for some but it’s not the time to play ‘double or quits’ if you really can’t afford the consequences if a gamble didn’t pay off. In addition, Mercury’s retrograde period next month affects money as well as love and partnerships, so best to get the bigger financial deals out of the way before month’s end.
Finally, for some there is good news about work and health once Saturn leaves Libra on the 5th. Your well-being is linked to having fun and downtime and play are as important as working hard. Learn to relax, chill out and discover hobbies and talents that stimulate the creative side of your brain. Looking after yourself can sometimes be as easy as enjoying yourself and creating a positive buzz about your everyday activities.
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