Taurus Monthly Stars June 2014

Taurus Month of MayTaurus (20 April-20 May)

When you have Venus, your ruling planet, in your sign of Taurus you’re onto a good thing. This is taking place this month and Venus rather splendidly remains in your sign until the 23rd so now is the time to let the indulgent side of your character out to play.

This is brilliant for all activities that use the five senses; smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. Crank up self-care and engage in any area of life that grounds you and brings you pleasure. All the following are Taurus specialities so pick what you love to do: music, gardening, art, cooking, massage, sculpture, walking, nature, love-making, pampering, relaxing.

It’s not the best month to go on a diet perhaps although you may choose carefully what you eat and savour every mouthful. The key to enjoying Venus in Taurus is to remind yourself of life’s simple pleasures, put enjoyment high on your list of priorities and savour life slowly and sensually. Venus in Taurus is a time when you feel attractive and you’re at your most popular. So lap up the love and enjoy some extra attention.

It’s important to remind yourself that, when it comes to love, it’s not a clever strategy to rely on someone else to make you happy. Happiness is your prerogative and the happier you are, the easier your 1-to-1 relationships. Saturn is currently residing in your opposite sign of Scorpio and love can’t always be a breeze with the taskmaster of the heavens breathing down your neck.

The trickiest period to negotiate when it comes to love is the weekend of the 13th-15th when there’s not only an emotional Full Moon but Saturn opposes Venus and Pluto square Mars, your partner planet. If there’s something specific that you and your other half tend to clash over, keep a cool head and don’t fan the flames as they could quickly rage out of control. Agree to disagree if necessary.

If there is a falling-out on or around the 14th/15th, you can kiss and make up later in the same week. Mark the 18th/19th in your diary for getting back on the same page and at the very least finding the humour in your situation.
Work and money matters may feel a bit of muddle now for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th in your communication sector so it’s important to back up key documents and ensure that you’re as organised as you can be before Mercury’s change of direction. Then on the 17th Mercury moves back into Gemini and your money sector so it’s with regard to personal finances where you’re wise to be vigilant.

Mercury retrograde isn’t a good time to sign and seal a major contract as you often find the goalposts move once Mercury turns direct (July 1st). Ensure your cash is safe with Mercury up to it’s tricks and that you can get hold of it as and when you need it. Mercury retrograde is a good time to revisit past ideas and to look again at a money-making plan or chase up an old contact who offered to help you out or similar in the past. The 6th and the 19th are dates to use your cunning and create a little magic when it comes to money matters.

The Full Moon on the 13th cuts across the financial axis of your chart and money may be a sensitive or emotional subject on or around this date. As this coincides with difficult aspects to both Venus and Mars, engage your rational brain rather than getting carried away and overly dramatic. There may be some big learning on or around this date relating to money, your money mind-set and what needs to change for you to win big.

Finally this month, Mars is in Libra and your work sector and what you do in your daily routine. Mars has been in this sector of your chart since December 2013 and there’s been an ongoing challenge or an issue that’s cropped up more than once. Think back to Christmas and New Year 2013 and the Easter weekend and the following week especially 22nd/23rd April 2014.

There’s a repeat of this challenge on the 14th and 25th of this month and even though this could feel as if it’s the final straw, it may mean that one final push instigates positive change. It’s the equivalent of pulling out a rotten tooth to relieve the pain. In other words, you have to close one door before you can open a new one so perhaps saying goodbye to a role or position that belongs in the past. Wherever you’ve felt stuck at work and if you’ve been up against some strong opposition, the situation is now at breaking point. By the end of June you’ll be pleased that you faced any challenges head on.


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2 thoughts on “Taurus Monthly Stars June 2014”

  1. I follow my horoscope each month for my sign of Taurus. But every month its the same, nothing!!! The dates mentioned for things to look out for all come and go and mean absolutely nothing. Should I be looking at another sign? 13.05.1957 Moon in Scorpio. Sandra
    PS This applies to any astrologer. The predictions are meaningless, and have no relevance to me or my life.

    1. hi Sandra, it surprises me that the astrology doesn’t work for you as you have strong Taurus in your chart. What’s your Ascendant sign? Perhaps reading that will make more sense for you. If you don’t know it, send me your time and place of birth and I will check for you. best, Sally

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