The party season’s here but you may have your sights set on more distant shores as Venus is now firmly ensconced in your fellow earth sign of Capricorn ruling travel, education and all the things that broaden your mind and expand your outlook on life.
This is a great month to make some big plans for the future and look at what you want from your life in 2014 and beyond. Whatever works for you best, do it, whether that’s mind-mapping, making lists, visualising your dream life, reading self-improvement books or attending a workshop or talk.
The end of one year and the beginning of a new year is symbolically an important period to consider the bigger picture, consolidate what you’ve learned so far and what you want next. In fact this month in particular feels especially soul-searching and reflective for you for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, Venus turns retrograde on the 21st of the month, i.e. gives the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens until January 31st 2014. Venus is your ruling planet and this turns your attention inward. Often you’re more reflective when your ruler is retrograde and you benefit from some time alone and quiet time to contemplate and ponder. So don’t fill your diary with social engagements or try to cram in too much work but see if you can slow down the pace and give yourself more time to breathe and be rather than do.
Another planet is also active this month and it’s Uranus, the planet of spontaneity, but in your chart, Uranus is hidden away in your 12th house or retreat. Some of you may decide that you want to embrace the festive season by going on a retreat, silent or otherwise. This is becoming more popular and whether you’re a religious person, you’re on a spiritual path or you simply want some time to yourself, put your own needs first.
Another way this may play out is deciding to help a charity this year, whether you work with the homeless over the Christmas period or do your bit in other ways. Certainly, you will find yourself thinking about what this time of year really means to you and how you want to make it special.
That’s not to say you won’t enjoy buying Christmas presents this year as the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, your money sectors, are strong. The New Moon falls in Sagittarius on the 3rd, a great day to think about giving and receiving where cash is concerned and to deal with banks or financial institutions. Sagittarius loves a flutter and if you’re a typical Taurus who likes to speculate to accumulate, the 3rd is a good day to invest or follow a hunch.
The Full Moon on the 17th also cuts across the financial sectors of your chart so money matters dominate and you’re wise to get on top of your cash situation whatever that means for you personally. Money matters are highlighted and the light of the Full Moon illuminates and brings finances and cash transactions to the fore.
This can symbolise a time of completion or achievement and it’s about tying up loose ends rather than starting something new. Impulse buying or last-minute present decisions go your way not only at the New and Full Moon but also on the 10th when Uranus, planet of spontaneity, is active. You’ll find bargains both off-line and on-line.
When it comes to love and key one-to-one relationships, mid-month feels most stable and the weekend of the 13th-15th has a sensual feel when the Moon’s in your sign. You can also have an important conversation about the future that helps you feel you and your loved one or a business partner are on track and singing from the same choir sheet. Jupiter and Saturn connect in the heavens on the 13th in a harmonious trine aspect so there’s a sense of optimism but combined with a healthy dose of common sense and reality. The plans you make on or around this date are most likely to succeed.
When it comes to the holiday season, you need to allow more flexibility where intimate or personal relationships are concerned as there’s some tricky planetary activity to negotiate. On Christmas Day, Mars clashes with Uranus and on New Years Eve Mars moves on to challenge Pluto.
For some this may simply mean that the one you love is absent as they’re working away from home or unable to get back for the festivities and it’s always a difficult time to be apart from the ones you love. Your yourself may make a decision to work over Christmas and for some there may be no other option if you want to keep your job.
If you are with loved ones this year then take note that clashes are as likely as harmony so do your best to soothe things over and put out any arguments before they escalate. Passions could run high and you’d do well to take the role of peacemaker rather than dig in your heels and let your stubborn nature dominate.
I suspect that for many of us compromises are going to have to be made this Christmas and we need to remember that we can’t keep everyone happy. It’s also worth knowing in advance that some people are going to behave badly and it’s up to you to decide what you’ll put up with and when you’ll say ‘enough is enough’. Wherever you are and whoever you’re wish, here’s wishing you a very merry and happy Christmas and New Year.