Taurus Monthly Stars December 2012

Taurus Month of MayTaurus (20 April-20 May)

Your ruling planet Venus begins December in your opposite sign of Scorpio where it remains until the 16th. This puts the spotlight on other people in your life and your significant one-on-ones. In addition, Mercury, planet of communication, mirrors Venus and is also in Scorpio until the 11th. So the beginning of the month focuses on relationships and all partnerships in your life.

This is the tail end of an intense Scorpio vibe that’s been going on since early October. Take the time to communicate well with others and to discuss deeper issues as this can be incredibly valuable early in the month. It’s about finding resolutions and answers that work for both parties and it’s important to be willing to compromise and meet in the middle.

However, your planet Venus isn’t strong in Scorpio as it’s an extreme and intense combination and love blossoms when it’s light and easy. If you’re in emotional overwhelm or find love hard for whatever reason, take a step back. Feelings of jealousy, obsession or revenge can be incredibly damaging to both people concerned. Matters aren’t helped for you by the fact that Saturn’s also in Scorpio where it remains for the next couple of years. Saturn’s the taskmaster of the heavens and this makes love a serious issue.

You can’t avoid major decisions, whether you’re on the verge of making a deep commitment, ending a relationship or resolving to stay single. Be honest with yourself about your own feelings even if you find it hard to be completely truthful with your other half or another person. Venus in Scorpio is shadowy and hidden so try as you might to get to the bottom of a personal situation, you may still feel as if you want to keep some information or certain realisations to yourself as a self-protective measure.

Scorpio rules taboo issues so for some of you, this is your chance to talk about sex or money or both. The end of a year often feels like a fateful time to sort anything out that’s not working or that you’d like more of or whatever else fits for you. Consider your deeper motivations and even become your own psychoanalyst to understand what makes you and your other half or an ex tick.

Three of the personal planets move through Sagittarius this month, the sign that rules joint finances in your chart and the week beginning 10th December is powerful for money matters. Whether you’re discussing finances with a partner or an ex or you’re considering your longer-term financial future, there’s a sense that you want to speed things up and fast. The New Moon on the 13th is a powerful day to sow seeds and to make a wish for your financial well-being. The mid-month period looks brilliant to trust your intuition whatever aspect of money you’re dealing with and the 14th and 19th are especially lucky.

The extravagant side of your nature is also on show in December and the 3rd, 17th and 23rd feel abundant and generous. Whether you’re buying expensive Christmas gifts for loved ones or spending more than you can afford, it’s going to be hard to rein in your love of giving. Ruled by Venus, you’re a hedonist by nature and will want to enjoy yourself this Christmas month.

Try and balance your fun-loving side with your keen business head so you make wise financial decisions, grab yourself some Christmas bargains and enjoy this busy period. Yours is the sign that rules money and although you love luxury and designer gadgets, you also inherently understand that money can’t buy love and that there are many ways of showing you care that don’t have to break the bank.  This month’s abundant stars also suggest that some of you are due a cash bonus or expensive Christmas gift that’s bought for you.

Finally, Mars the action planet, is now strong in Capricorn putting the spotlight on travel, education and broadening your horizons. Getting away from it all for Christmas is a good move or at least taking yourself out of your normal environment. Find a way to do things differently that feels inspirational and different. A change of scene also benefits a close relationship as you find it helps to put things into perspective.

One way or another, you’re going to end 2012 knowing what you need to do to transform an intimate or professional relationship. Change isn’t always easy but connecting to a deeper purpose gives you the strength you need to make a key decision about a relationship or partnership and more importantly, the determination to see it through. Here’s to a successful and prosperous 2013.

[photo from flickr.com]

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