Taurus Monthly Stars August 2014

Camper VanTaurus (20 April-20 May)

Your ruling planet Venus begins the month in the cardinal sign of Cancer and on the 1st, Venus trines Saturn and squares Uranus. Think of this as the end of a cycle even if it is the beginning of a new month. The Cardinal Grand Cross has dominated the first six months of the year but once Venus leaves Cancer on the 12th, it’s time to exhale and breathe a sigh of relief.

In a nutshell, it’s about letting go of the stuff that doesn’t work in your life so you can allow new energy in. It may play out for you as de-cluttering, dismissing other peoples’ opinions of you or ditching a bad habit or two.

Venus enters Leo on the 12th where she joins the Sun (self), Mercury (communication) and Jupiter (celebration/freedom). Leo is the sign that rules your home, family, your past and where you come from and Leo is a joyful sign. This month is wonderful for family celebrations, hanging out with the ones you love, enjoying summer holiday fun (in the northern hemisphere at least!) and generally catching up with relatives and loved ones.

You may decide to move home now or at least look for somewhere new and it’s a brilliant month to redesign your home, become a DIY expert or more likely for you, Taurus, unleash your inner interior designer. Being ruled by Venus, yours is one of the more artistic signs of the zodiac and you’re at your best when you have a creative project to focus on.

An especially happy and abundant date this month is the 18th when Venus teams up with Jupiter in the heavens and they sit side by side. For some, this brings a proposal of love or happy news in the family. If you’re looking for somewhere to live or waiting to hear about a move of residence, this is the equivalent of a green light and all home and family-related plans are well-starred on or around this date.

Plus with Mercury in Leo up until the 15th, the flow of incoming money is linked to your family, your home and your past. This is where you can earn some extra cash from a summer car boot sale or rent out a room or make a canny property transaction or ask for a loan. For some, this will include good news for a family member and their generosity will help you. Take note of what happens on the 2nd when Mercury nestles close to Jupiter.

The Full Moon on the 9th is important for you this month as it cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of your chart, the signs that represent your foundations. Aquarius rules your work and career and Leo rules your home and family. This is about getting the work/life balance right and ensuring that you prioritise play as well as work or find a way to do what you love and spend time with your family.

This isn’t necessarily straightforward as the planet Saturn is in a square aspect to both the Sun and Moon. Saturn is in your opposite sign of Scorpio where it’s been since October 2012 but this is the home straight for Saturn as it will move on from Scorpio at the end of this year.

Saturn in Scorpio suggests there may be someone in your life who’s putting pressure on you either personally or professionally. Another person has become a heavy burden for one reason or another and it’s hard to make your own life decisions without taking this person into account. For some, it’s a partner or ex; for others, a boss, business partner or older family member. You need to consider whether it’s right for you to stand firm or whether in a bid to keep the peace, you have to take another person’s needs or demands into account.

One relationship or partnership in particular will feel intense now as Mars joins Saturn in Scorpio and this is a powerful duo. Mars in Scorpio likes to call the shots and as Mars is your partner planet, it suggests that there’s someone in your life who wants to take charge. This can be a good thing in that you can let this person lead for a while but it’s more likely to be a challenge for you and you need to work out your strategy carefully around how you’re going to deal with this person.

A friend or group of friends is the perfect antidote on or around the 5th and 7th when Saturn trines Chiron and Mars trines Neptune and both planets are in Pisces and your friendship sector. This is where you find your healing and a sensitive response to your situation. Let friends guide you and take their advice.

Mars and Saturn conjoin in the heavens on the 25th, the day of the New Moon. This is when the other person is at their strongest but if you work with them rather than against them this can help you out financially as the New Moon falls in Virgo and your cash sector. I suspect it’s about keeping them on your side and if they are making waves on your behalf, go with it. Fall out with this person and it could reverberate for a few months yet.

Pay attention to your finances in the last week of the month and work diligently. Your earthy qualities of reliability, common sense and persistence are being called forth so you don’t let money slip through your fingers or allow other people to dominate and order you around. Create your intentions on the New Moon and look at practical ways of improving your cash flow.

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