Taurus Monthly Stars April 2013

Taurus Rankin MissTaurus (20 April-20 May)

When the planet of revolution, Uranus, is hidden away in your 12th house, it’s important to ask yourself what you’re rebelling against. It may be that you want to hide away, do things differently, not conform to others’ expectations and hang out on your own more than usual.

There may be a pressing concern which you can’t let go of, something that’s secretive or known only to you and it won’t go away. You may be involved in some behind-the-scenes activity which isn’t strictly kosher or above-board.

Whatever your individual situation, the planets are building in this part of your chart, and like a pressure-cooker waiting to go off, sooner or later in April, everything will come out into the open. If you’re playing a waiting game in any area of life, that too will change come mid-month.

But first things first, Venus your ruler is in this same sector as the month begins and it remains here until the 15th, when it enters Taurus. Venus is the planet of love, representing relationships, beauty and art. You may be shut away behind doors working on your artistic masterpiece or you may be involved in an illicit affair that feels heady and exhilarating as most temptations do. Venus rules self-love and a spiritual retreat would also fit this quieter-than-usual energy. Whatever’s going on is not in the forefront of life and again there’s a theme of waiting. It’s about planning and researching the next stage in your life.

The 7th looks intriguing when Venus and Mars come together in this part of your chart. In mythology, these two were lovers and symbolically they represent love and desire. In Aries, this hints at a fresh start or a new intention for your love life. Whatever you begin on or around this time must remain secret or hidden for a while longer.

When planets are in Aries and your 12th house, you can spend longer than usual in your thoughts or turned inward. It’s not usually a time when you’re brimming with confidence and you may experience some worry or disquiet. Take your time and invest in self-care. Retreat from life if it feels right for you and conserve your energy.

The mood starts to shift from the 15th when Venus, your ruler, enters Taurus, followed swiftly by the Sun on the 19th (happy birthday!) and Mars, the action planet, on the 20th. You’re back in the swing of things and ready to make things happen and achieve your personal goals. As always, being one of the earth signs, there’s no rush and you do like to take your time and plan for the long-term. Steady and reliable wins the race rather than dashing around like a headless chicken.

Friends or a group of like-minded people play a key role in your plans as all three planets above connect with Neptune in your friendship sector on the 19th, 24th and 27th respectively. Widen your circle, network with people who inspire you and create a supportive group around you. Friendships lack boundaries now which means anything’s possible but don’t lose yourself in escapist activities. Keep your feet firmly placed on the ground and steer your friendships, groups and social commitments in the direction you choose.

One-on-one relationships may test you as the month comes to a close, partly due to Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens opposing your Taurus planets on the 22nd and 28th, but also due to a lunar eclipse cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis on the 25th. To understand the eclipse better, think back to what happened on or around November 13th 2012 when there was a solar eclipse in your opposite sign of Scorpio.

Eclipses represent power points; they up the intensity of life and can be dramatic. This may be about someone powerful leaving or entering your life or being up against a tough opponent. It’s either a business or personal partnership or some other key individual who plays a dominant role in your life.

This may mean someone who slows you down and puts an obstacle in your path which is tricky to overcome as you find yourself facing the equivalent of an immovable object. If there’s no way round, patience is called for. Yet, at the same time it’s important to stand your ground and not let someone else dictate terms entirely. It’s a tough one but you have confidence in spades with so many planets in Taurus so dig in your heels for now. A solar eclipse in Taurus on 10th May will break the deadlock, one way or another.

Finally, don’t forget that this month you have Jupiter, the biggest and best planet, in your money sector so continue to grow your portfolio, invest your dosh wisely, pay off your debts, etc. etc. It’s a positive period for many Taureans with regard to earning, spending and saving but make sure you’re well informed and get top advice. In addition, it’s important to note that the best cash deals are the ones you make in private or behind closed doors and the 1st and 20th are especially lucky.

[art by Rankin Miss at flickr.com]

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