Taurus Monthly Horoscope July 2015

girls-438152_1280Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

One of the biggest planetary events of the month ahead takes place on the 1st and involves your ruling planet Venus. Venus is currently in Leo, the sign down at the base of your chart, ruling your home, your family, your past and the place you come from.

On the 1st, Venus is in a stunning conjunction with Jupiter, the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology. Jupiter expands what it touches and brings in new opportunities. There is a feel good vibe to this combination whether you’re celebrating a family anniversary, moving home, welcoming a new addition to the family or you’re back in touch with someone you knew from years ago.

The other planet that’s in the mix is Mercury, the planet of communication, currently strong in Gemini and your money sector. So this promises good news for cash matters too whether the money is linked to a house sale, decluttering or a gift from the family.

There is a flow of energy with this powerful connection so it’s a wonderful time to gift or help out people close to you and ask the same in return. Family connections are powerful now and can bring joy, happiness and blessings your way.

Venus remains in Leo until the 18th and on the whole has a free run through the heavens except for one challenge when Venus squares Saturn on the 14th. Saturn is currently in your opposite sign of Scorpio and this is the last gasp of Saturn in this sector of your chart. He was here from October 2012 until December 2014 and returns now for three months, from June until September 2015.

Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and in relationships he often plays out as a ‘commit or quit’ decision or ultimatum. Saturn is not a light influence but instead adds the ‘get real’ factor to love.

The other factor to note with regard to your ruling planet Venus is that Venus turns retrograde on July 25th and remains on go slow until September 6th of this year. Venus turns retrograde in your fellow earth sign Virgo, the sign which rules new love and love affairs. So there are a couple of question marks around love and relationships this month for you.

The general feel is that you have to slow down the pace a little now when it comes to love, perhaps you need to be patient with your partner, perhaps you’re unsure of your own feelings. Traditionally, Venus retrograde is not the time to marry or purchase expensive beauty treatments. Venus rules love and beauty and on go slow, Venus’ energy turns inward. The most important work you can do when Venus is on go slow is work on yourself. Self understanding, self insight and discovering more about your own needs and wants within a relationship.

It’s also a good time to slow down the pace in general and this suits your sign of Taurus. Being one of the earth signs, you’re more in touch with your natural sensuality and the flow and rhythm of life and nature. So don’t feel that you have to rush love or make snap decisions. Learn acceptance and tolerance within all your relationships and give other people the benefit of the doubt.

The other sector of your chart that is strong this month is communication as the action planet Mars is in this sector of your chart all month and is joined by Mercury, the communication planet, from the 8th until the 23rd. There’s an urgency about communication whether you’re keen to get your ideas across, spread your message or hold important conversations or meetings.

This is also a month when there are a few bumps in communication as Mars and Mercury clash with the Uranus-Pluto square. This is a volatile mix when you might find you have to argue your point or need to push hard to get your own ideas and thoughts across. The liveliest dates are the 15th to the 19th and the weekend of the 25th/26th.

When it comes to speaking up, it’s important on or around these dates to choose your battles wisely. Don’t feel you have to challenge everything that comes your way but instead stand up for what’s most important to you.

The Full Moon on July 2nd and the New Moon on July 16th also pick up your communication and education sectors. Trust your intuition on the 2nd and book a course, trip or experience that furthers your own learning or education.

The New Moon is brilliant for new beginnings and this might link in to your relationship with a sibling or neighbour. If you’ve recently fallen out with someone, this is the best day of the month to try and sort things out.

Yet it’s the last Full Moon in July that is most powerful for you as it cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of your chart highlighting your foundations. Aquarius is the sign that rules your work and career, your vocation and where you’re heading in life. This can signal a victory, an achievement, an award or the knowledge that you’re on the right path.

Success again links back to your family as by the end of the month both the Sun (identity) and Mercury (communication) have moved into Leo and your home and family sector on the 23rd.

There is the sense that this month comes full circle and the highlights of the first week are repeated in some way later on towards the end of July. Jupiter will leave your home and family sector mid August 2015 so now is the time when you can make the most of the planet of opportunity boosting these areas of your life. Seize the day, find your dream home and enjoy spending quality time with the ones you love.

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