Taurus January 2019

New Year, Taurus

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

This month has a lot going for it as far as you’re concerned, although there will be times when you feel that life is working against you and occasions when you lose trust or start to doubt what next.

This is par for the course with some roller-coaster planetary activity all stacked in to the first month of the year.

As January begins, your planet Venus completes its long and dusty journey through Scorpio and your relationship sector. Venus changes star sign on the 7th but, before it does so, acknowledge how far you’ve come since early September. This is a good time to resolve or heal a close relationship. Alternatively, close the door on the past and make a clear decision to move on. 

There’s a lot happening in the first month of the year and you don’t want a relationship to be a distraction. Instead, create some independence within a relationship or marriage and encourage your partner to do the same. Or be bold and cut ties with an ex.

Mars is your partner planet and it’s in the most independent star sign of the zodiac, Aries, throughout January. Plus, this is the hidden sector of your horoscope. This might indicate some time apart from a loved one or simply a need to focus on other areas of your life. 

Find time to explore the inner workings of your mind and access your inner voice. Consider this month as a time of preparation. Your time for personal change begins from March onwards.

This month, money is under the cosmic spotlight for a couple of reasons. Firstly, your planet Venus enters Sagittarius and your joint finance sector on the 7th. This is a positive planet/sign combination for money matters, whether someone helps you out financially or you receive a gift or bonus.

When Venus is in Sagittarius, you have a love of the good life and you want to treat yourself and the people closest to you. Plus, big planet Jupiter is also in Sagittarius where it will remain until December 2019.

This is a positive influence with regard to money matters. This year, you have the two best planets, Venus and Jupiter, in Sagittarius not once but twice. Mark January and November as the months to increase your wealth or improve your financial situation. Now’s the time to set your compass and decide what you want and need financially. Events this month will prove significant with regard to your future financial goals so pay attention and set your intentions.

Partnership is favoured with both Venus and Jupiter in this part of your horoscope. Think joint ventures and get expert advice, especially if you’re dealing with a tricky financial or legal issue. 

People power is potent this month. By joining forces with others, you can improve your own situation, especially with regard to money and finances. 

Once you get to the end of January, the deals you make and the alliances you forge will carry you forward and help you make progress over the next few months. The stand-out dates are the 22nd and 25th when Venus and Mars combine with Jupiter to bring new opportunity your way. 

In fact, the 22nd could be one of the best days for you this year as lucky Jupiter lights up your ruling planet Venus. The two sit side-by-side in the heavens.

Generosity is a big theme for you this month as this is the start of a Jupiter-Neptune alliance that dominates 2019. These two planets create a square aspect, which can indicate challenge, but the planets are friends and work well together. They are boundless, compassionate and charitable. 

Something you start or invest in with a group of friends on or around the 13th when this planetary energy peaks could make a real difference. It will bring you emotional fulfilment and help other people too. Keep your wits about you, however, and use your down-to-earth common sense to suss out the best deals and the right moves. Don’t allow yourself to be seduced. Instead, use your money to good effect.

Also, this month is eclipse month which can highlight the unexpected or a sudden change of plan. There’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse on the 6th in Capricorn and a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 21st cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac.

It’s the Solar Eclipse which is important for you with regard to travel and study matters and what next. As the Sun and Moon are wedged between Saturn and Pluto on the 6th, this could highlight an obstacle in your path ahead. It’s not the best day if you’re involved in any kind of legal matter as the authorities are strong.

You might be feeling stuck or fearful about your plans or be worried about what’s happening out in the world and how this is going to impact on you. This is a tricky line to walk. You have to deal with reality and what you can and can’t achieve. Yet, at the same time, take care that you don’t let self doubt get in the way and stop you living the life you choose.

Eclipses throw up a hidden theme and the Lunar Eclipse on the 21st suggests the end of a chapter connected to the foundations of your life. This is the final eclipse in a cycle that began in August 2016. Cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac, it’s about your home and family, your work and career. Your future and past are inter-connected and one affects the other.

This is a powerful set of eclipses for you so you may be more than ready to close the door on an unstable couple of years. Take time to acknowledge what changes have occurred and use the promise of a new year to let go of the old and embrace the new. 

Note that your planet Venus is powerful on the 22nd, the day after the Lunar Eclipse. Therefore, any ending in your life could be a blessing in disguise. At the very least, use this powerful astrology to trust and have faith that you’re on the right path.

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3 thoughts on “Taurus January 2019”

  1. This is really fascinating, Sally. I’m currently in court over money owed to me. Jupiter enters my 8th house the day before the first court date with the judge to set the litigation schedule (Jan 18). Then a few days after the eclipse. I’m a bit nervous. I’m Scorpio sun, Taurus rising.

    1. Interesting! I would think that Jupiter moving into your 8th is good news for you as the Venus/Jupiter conjunction on the 22nd will fall in your 8th house which feels abundant. It does depend on what’s happening in the rest of your birth chart. Wishing you good luck.

      1. Thank you, I’ll need it! The 9th house is active: Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and Sun. 4th: moon. 11th: Neptune & Chiron. 12th: Mars & Uranus. Interestingly enough, this issue came to a head around the time between the 1/31/18 eclipse in Leo & 2/15/18 eclipse in Aquarius.

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