Virgo Season
One of the important themes this month is enjoyment. This is because the Sun is in Virgo until the 22nd and action planet Mars is here until the 15th.
Virgo is a fellow earth sign and rules fun, entertainment, luck, children, creative projects and love affairs in your horoscope.
This is about what you ‘give birth to’, what you produce and make. If you’re a typical Taurus, you’ll have a strong artistic or creative streak. Focus on this side of your nature and do more of what you love.
The New Moon on the 7th is a great date to line up something special. Set new intentions, create your masterpiece or give birth to your baby.
The Full Moon on the 20th/21st is a great date for a party or celebration and falls across the social Virgo/Pisces axis in your horoscope.
Sex & Relationships
It’s potentially a top month for love and romance as Virgo rules your romance sector. If you’re looking to meet someone new, don’t stay at home. Make the right moves and be friendly with the people you meet. This is an excellent month for dating and mating and upping the fun factor.
Neptune isn’t out of the picture this month, however, so this could add confusion at times. Or, the possibility that you’re looking at life or love through rose-coloured glasses.
Be wary on or around the 2nd and 14th in particular. Keep your wits about you, especially when you dare to open your heart and be vulnerable.
On the 10th, your planet Venus changes star sign and dives deep into Scorpio and your relationship sector. Therefore, this is lining up to be a peak month of the year for your one-to-one’s, both personal and professional.
Venus in Scorpio is seductive and passionate and you may enjoy becoming embroiled in a ‘dangerous liaison’. If you’re hoping to improve your sex life, crack on while Venus is doing her stuff in sexy Scorpio in the second half of the month.
Notice who comes into your life this month, especially someone persuasive or charismatic. Mars is your partner planet and in the relationship sign of Libra from the 15th onwards.
Mars and Venus, the lovers of the heavens, are in mutual reception, which means they are in each other’s sign of rulership; Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Libra. Ideally, this is about finding the person you can work with, the person whose skills or talents complement your own.
It could indicate a passionate romance or a new partnership situation that helps and supports you.
Best date for love: 29th
Balance The Scales
The Sun’s move into Libra on the 22nd heralds the Equinox and the start of a new season. For you, this might include a new job or project. Or, a new initiative that allows you to be true to who you are and express the real you.
Libra is the star sign representing balance and weighing things up. The key to the Libra scales is to remember that it’s a constant balancing act rather than finding a permanent state of equilibrium.
This is important for you because of the strong emphasis on Libra throughout the coming month. Along with the Sun, all the inner planets spend some time in Libra. Here’s the pattern:
- Mercury (communication) all month
- Venus (your ruling planet) until the 10th
- Mars (action/drive) from the 15th
Libra rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and health. It’s about the basics of life and doing whatever’s needed to feel well in your mind, body and spirit. If the work/life balance is out in any way, start to recalibrate those scales as soon as September begins.
Make the right career moves: 6th & 20th
Firm up work agreements: 5th & 25th
The important Jupiter-Pluto connection peaks on the 11th but remains active throughout September, October & November.
Big planet Jupiter is at the top of your horoscope in star sign Aquarius. This is boosting your career and reputation, your profile and status. It’s the right time to play big in life and step into a new role.
Yet, Jupiter also rules freedom so perhaps you’re retiring or stepping away from a job or position. You might want to spend less time at the computer and more time out in the big wide world.
Pluto in Capricorn means that a study course or a travel opportunity may have to be postponed or cancelled. Some of your plans to expand your horizons may go nowhere and you have to reconsider how to embrace new experiences and live life to the full.
Mercury Retrograde Tips
There’ll be more advice on Mercury’s retrograde phase next month. For now, here are some top tips on how to prepare before the planet of communication switches direction on September 27th:
- back up important files and correspondence
- deal with any technological niggles or transport issues
- line up key meetings or interviews
- have those all-important heart-to-hearts
- sign & seal contracts before the end of the month
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I am supposed to be going a trip to a Scottish island on 25 September, flying there and back, I live in Scotland. It was cancelled from last year but I am really concerned about going as covid is rising but it cost too much to cancel. Are you able to be more specific re date on this for Taureans as you lifted my hopes with “Pluto in Capricorn means that a study course or a travel opportunity may have to be postponed or cancelled.” I am hoping this would mean travel restrictions may be put in place preventing me from going and of course I would be able to get most of my money back.
hi Jenni, very possible with the astrology. Pluto’s influence in your travel sector and Mercury turning retrograde on the 27th. Sending best wishes.
The new moon was bad for me, I reunited with my partner ( Scorpio) after 7 wks if lockdown and what was meant to be amazing we ended up breaking up.im devastated and according to my horoscope this was not mean to be… What does all this mean for us? Can we get back on track?
Marion, I’m really sorry to hear that. If your birthday is right at the end of April or beginning of May, you have Uranus, the ‘break-up’ planet dominant. It may be that there was another factor in your astrology kicking in. Venus’ moving into Scorpio your relationship sector might help today – Friday 10th. At least it gives you an opportunity to reach out and try and reconnect. Sending best wishes.