Venusian Pleasures
Your ruling planet Venus is in your star sign Taurus until the 23rd. Make the most of this, kick back, chill out and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Notice where you’re being pulled or called forward in life.
This might be linked to a desire to escape from some aspect of your life in the here and now. Take slow steps and consider your plans carefully.
Also, there’s a significant turning point for you on the 3rd when talk planet Mercury turns direct in your star sign Taurus. If you’ve been mulling over a big decision since late April or early May, this is an ideal time to set things in motion.
The recent eclipse season may have been dramatic for you as the eclipses cut across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac in April and May. This often brings sudden change or external events impact your life and your close relationships. Mercury turning direct may bring the information to light that you need to make sense of things.
The 11th of this month is also lively when Venus aligns with the planet of change Uranus in Taurus. This could bring a sensational high or an unexpected diversion. Be on your toes and ready to act quickly to take advantage of a fast-moving situation. This might be to do with love, money or a personal goal.
Making Money
Money is one key area under the cosmic spotlight this month. In fact, it’s here where things could happen quickly. This is because, the Sun is in Gemini up until the Solstice on the 21st. Plus, talk planet Mercury returns to Gemini and your personal money sector on the 13th.
Therefore, when it comes to money matters, speak up, think quickly and make things happen. There may be a lot to negotiate or discuss when it comes to finances and you’re right to make this a priority. It’s a good month to debate new money-making ideas.
Plus, on the 23rd, your planet Venus also moves into Gemini where she remains until mid-July. Keep things light and move fast when it comes to finances. Encourage the flow of money and treat yourself and the ones you love.
Charities & Fundraising
The planetary activity involving finances may peak during the Full Moon on the 14th. This Full Moon is at the centre of this dynamic activity. It falls across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac highlighting the financial axis of your horoscope.
Full Moons are an ideal time for clarity and making intuitive decisions. Yes, there is a possibility during this Full Moon of being scammed or seduced. Alternatively, other people may over-promise.
This is where your earth sign nature is invaluable, enabling you to make the right financial decision or work out the nuts and bolts, the practicalities of a big goal or project. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and use your common sense.
During this Full Moon, Neptune in Pisces makes a square aspect to the Sun, exact on the 16th. Neptune in Pisces lights up your friends and group sector, also your hopes and wishes. Put all this together and you may be involved in a fundraising event or be helping out someone you care about or a group you’re a member of.
The flip side can kick in, however, i.e. you’re the one who’s gifted money or other people are there for you. Be open to receiving, practise gratitude and encourage the flow of abundance into your life.
Take a Trip
The Solstice takes place this month on the 21st, the day the Sun moves into Cancer. Use this time to go somewhere new, to experiment and shift your perspective on life.
Take yourself off to Stonehenge, for example, and remind yourself of the wonders of the natural world. Being philosophical about life can be the way through any challenges or difficulties that may arise.
This month’s New Moon also lights up the study and communication sector of your horoscope. It falls in Cancer on the 29th. Traditionally, a New Moon symbols new beginnings. This is a nod towards studying or learning something new. You might be fact-finding or gathering new information.
Fiery Mars
Finally this month, action planet Mars is moving through your previous star sign Aries throughout June. This turns your attention inwards. The planet of action and speed is going to be in the most hidden sector of your horoscope until early July.
You could be immersed in inner work or want to take time out to do research or decide what next. Trust your instincts and don’t repress your natural intuition during this time. Notice where your anger goes and try not to turn it in on yourself. Keep physically fit and let off steam if you notice you’re feeling pent up or tense.
This may be linked to what’s happening at work or regarding your future path. Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your career & vocation sector on the 4th. This could bring a shift in priorities or a change of occupation. It might be the right time to step down or take a step back.
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