Taurus February 2019

TaurusTaurus (20 April – 20 May)

Your planet, Venus, changes star sign this month and enters Capricorn, a fellow earth sign on the 3rd. Venus remains here throughout February. 

Capricorn rules travel and study in your horoscope, any activity that broadens your horizons. This could be a spiritual path, philosophical teachings, learning more about knowledge, beliefs or systems of thought.

This area of your life is currently under the glare of the cosmic spotlight. The new set of eclipses which began in July 2018 take place here. Plus, the slower-moving authority planets, Saturn and Pluto, are also in Capricorn. In fact, Venus teams up with them both on the 18th and 23rd respectively.

This may mean you have your head down studying or researching or perhaps you’re planning a big trip or emigration. Whatever you’re involved in personally, don’t miss out any of the steps. This is the time to plan meticulously in order to move closer to your chosen goal.

In your horoscope, Capricorn is linked to publishing, the Law, the media and world affairs. If you find yourself pulled out in the world this month ready to engage with political or social issues, to get your voice heard, you’re in tune with your stars.

Come the 14th, you have the backing of the competitive planet, Mars, on your side as it enters Taurus, your star sign. Mars remains here until the end of March. This important transit only takes place once every two years, so make the most of the planet of action, grit and determination in your star sign.

This can be an ambitious time for you when you’re ready to line up some long-term goals or get to the top of your chosen mountain. This fits with the emphasis on the sign of Aquarius and the sector of your horoscope which rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation.

Both talk planet Mercury and the Sun are in Aquarius until the 10th and 18th respectively. Plus, there’s a gorgeous New Moon in Aquarius on the 4th which pulls in lucky Jupiter. This would be a great week to start a career project, apply for a job or ask for promotion. Jupiter in Sagittarius highlights your joint finance sector, excellent for shared resources and joint ventures.

You might discover that the efforts you made in the past could now pay off. Notice who crops up in your life on or around the 2nd, 8th and 9th. This may be a benefactor or someone you helped out in the past. This is about the last eight years and what you’ve been working towards since 2010/2011.

Mars and Uranus are working together this month and they collaborate on the 13th. This is one of the most important planetary aspects of the whole month as it falls at 29 degrees Aries, i.e. the end of the star sign. Plus, Mars leaves Aries the following day and Uranus leaves Aries on March 6th. Then, both planets enter your star sign, Taurus.

Therefore, ask yourself who or what are you ready to leave behind? Where is there instability in your life, who’s the volatile factor? Mars is your partner planet, so this might be about one person in particular, either in your personal or professional life.

Trust your intuition mid-month and listen to your natural instincts. This feels like moving on from a situation that’s got nothing left in the tank. It’s time for a new approach, one that’s more in tune with your earthy, common sense. Less bravado and bluster, more thoughtful deliberation.

Your star sign, Taurus, knows how to build from the ground up and this is what you may be doing over the next few weeks and months. 

Make time for friends as well this month, especially once communication planet Mercury and the Sun move into Pisces on the 10th and 18th respectively. Pisces is your friendship and group sector. This is positive for networking and following up your best ideas. It’s an indication to recalibrate the work/life balance to ensure that life hasn’t become all work and no play.

The Full Moon on the 19th falls across the social axis of your horoscope and the star signs, Virgo and Pisces. This could bring in a new romance or love affair or perhaps you’re hanging out with your kids, grandkids or children you know well.

Both the New and Full Moon this month have support from other planets, which means that support is at hand. Reach out to others whether you’re seeking fun, advice or inspiration. The bonds you make in the second half of February are likely to last and it’s a great time to join a new club, group or society.

2019 may not have begun in the way you expected but that’s not to say you can’t start to put some of your plans and ideas into action this month. Think of February as being the new January and expand your life in a good way.

Finally, if you’re looking for love on Valentines, the 14th, it looks as if you’re the one who’s going to have to do the running. Mars in your star sign Taurus fires up your libido and there’s definitely a chance to satisfy your sensual nature. Take the lead in an intimate relationship.

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