Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
Your ruling planet, Venus, is in Aquarius and your career sector until the 10th. There’s no reason to hold back now when it comes to your work or vocation, your status or reputation. This is the time to go for it and focus on your life direction.
With Venus in Aquarius, you have the ability to be objective and take a wide view of your current situation. This isn’t the time to be emotional about work or career matters, instead be smart and use your sound business head to think things through carefully and make strategic decisions.
You also have to create a careful balance between following your own decisions and listening to other people. Big planet Jupiter is currently in your opposite sign of Scorpio, highlighting partnership and bringing inspirational people into your life.
Jupiter clashes with Venus, however, on the 4th, so don’t get carried away with someone else’s ideas or let a third party take over entirely. Instead, proceed steadily rather than allowing someone else to rush in and take control.
This is most relevant for a business partnership or work connection, although it could apply to your personal life as well. Mars is your partner planet and is currently powering through fire sign Sagittarius.
Mars in Sagittarius is an enthusiastic combination and an indication that you have to keep a healthy balance in your 1-to-1’s. Allow yourself to be fired up if it benefits you but don’t follow someone else’s goals or dreams above your own. More likely than not, this will lead to disillusionment and the same can be said for comparing yourself unfavourably to others.
Where the real gold lies this month is in getting clear about where you’re heading and why. You need a strategy while not only Venus is in Aquarius and your career sector, but the Sun (identity) and Mercury (communication) are here as well.
In fact, this is leading up to the most important date of the month, the 15th, when there’s a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and your career and vocation sector. This is part of an eclipse cycle which began in August 2016 and lasts until January 2019.
What’s important about this eclipse is that it’s the only Solar Eclipse in Aquarius throughout the whole eclipse cycle. Solar Eclipses are turbo-powered New Moons and a chance to start over, to accelerate your progress, possibly at great speed.
There is a hidden theme, however, during the eclipse. Everything goes dark momentarily, as if the lights have been switched off. When they come back on, things look different, like one of those party games where people move around and you need to be observant and take note of what’s changed.
This is important because eclipses often suggest that one person leaves and another person takes their place. Sometimes you can take advantage of the changes that occur and step in to a vacant role or new position.
Traditionally, it’s wise not to make any final decision on the eclipse itself. Instead, look out for new opportunities emerging. Use the New Moon energy of the eclipse to put yourself forward, to pursue your career goals. Technology too is part of the picture as Aquarius rules all things New Age and modern.
In many respects, this month feels like it’s split in two parts with the eclipse dominating the middle section. On the 10th, your ruler Venus leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces and your friends and group sector.
This means that networking is key to your success, and fun and friendship take priority. Make time for socialising and don’t only focus on work. Alternatively, if you’re extra busy over the first two weeks with work or career matters, then slow things down so you can find time for your social life. Either that, or line up key individuals who can help with your career goals or a vocational project and make your life easier in the process.
There’s potentially a romantic flavour to the second half of February, especially when Venus teams up with Neptune on the 21st. Neptune rules romance and Venus love, so this is an alluring and seductive combination.
There’s a fantasy feel to your love life, or at least it’s not steeped in reality. This can prove fun if you’re willing to give in to your sensual nature and indulgence. Venus and Mars do clash on the 25th so ensure you’re not completely seduced or fooled by someone close.
You’re a savvy earth sign so tap into your natural instincts and suss out who’s worthy of your attention and who’s not. The plus side of the Pisces influence in the second half of the month is that it’s great for creative or artistic get-togethers, whether you’re enjoying the music or making the art.
One other factor to note is action planet Mars charging through Sagittarius and your joint finance sector. This means you can make great strides in this area of your life if you’re willing to take risks. The one date when it’s not advised to leap into action is the 17th when Mars clashes with Neptune. Again, this feels seductive as if you’ve not got your wits about you.
Having said that, there is great potential this month for you to do well financially. Perhaps a new opportunity emerges with regard to your work or career which boosts your income. That’s the best case scenario, but do be ready for some major shifts in your life direction once the eclipse kicks in.