As the month begins your ruling planet Venus remains down at the base of your chart in the sign of Leo. Leo rules your home and family, your past and where you come from and these areas of life are highlighted as August begins.
Not only is Venus in this sector of your chart but there’s a New Moon in Leo on the 2nd, a symbol of new beginnings.
This would be a wonderful time to meet up with family, get in touch with someone out of the blue or take a trip down memory lane. Leo is the sign of joy and celebration so be with the ones you love and if new beginnings are needed, start over.
On the same day as the New Moon, on the 2nd, action planet Mars enters Sagittarius, the sign which rules joint finances and shared resources in your chart. This includes all financial transactions, e.g. mortgages, inheritance, tax, debts & savings, investments, money owed.
With the focus on your home on this date, the 2nd would be a positive date for property matters, whether you need to organise a mortgage or rearrange your financial situation. Work alongside family to help one another out, whether you share your home, rent out a room or pool resources. This would also be a good date to ask for a loan.
Mars was in Sagittarius earlier this year from March 6th to May 27th and turned retrograde in this sign on April 17th. So what you’re dealing with financially in August might be linked to events earlier in the year. There’s a theme of second chances but you also have to push or fight for what you want. You’re not going to get your own way easily.
This is because the other planet in Sagittarius is Saturn, the planet which represents delays or obstacles in your path. Saturn is more closely aligned to the word No rather than the word Yes. So you can’t take anything for granted this month with regard to money matters. Go for it early in the month and then knuckle down and do whatever’s necessary to ensure your money is safe and secure.
Saturn is strong this month as it turns direct on the 13th and later in the month on the 24th there’s a powerful Mars/Saturn conjunction. This might mean that someone else has authority over you as Saturn rules the law and Mars is your partner planet. If so, you’re up against tough opposition during this period and you’ll have to negotiate carefully to get your own needs met.
Yet there is a stubborn and determined side to your nature and this could help you now. Don’t give up on an important goal and keep pushing for what you want. If you do so, you create an easier path ahead for yourself next month in September. Mars remains in this same sector of your chart until September 27th.
Another important date for you this month is the 18th when there’s a lunar eclipse cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your chart. This is the start of a new eclipse cycle which runs until January 2019 and it focuses on the work and home areas of your chart.
Eclipses indicate change on some level and what happens on or around the 18th might pave the way for the next two and a half years. If you already know that change is imminent, you’re on your way.
If you’re unsure of what might be happening, be prepared rather than assume everything will be ok. Talk to the people who have control over your destiny, i.e. your boss or employer before the 18th to find out what might lie ahead. You will be on the move before long, whether this includes a change of residence or a new career. August is a month when you’re laying new foundations for your future path.
Yet this month there’s also lots of fun to be had so don’t miss out on some summer sunshine if you’re in the northern hemisphere and wherever you are in the world, make the most of life. Your ruler Venus joins communication planet Mercury in your fellow earth sign Virgo on the 5th and Virgo rules all the good things in your life.
This is whatever you ‘give birth to’, what you create. This includes romance and love affairs, children and pregnancy, entertainment and leisure activities. It’s a time when you can follow your passion, tap into your creative source and trust your luck.
Two especially lucky dates this month are the 22nd and 27th when the planet of opportunity and growth, Jupiter, teams up with Mercury and Venus respectively. Jupiter has been in Virgo since August 2015 and next month it will move on into Libra.
This is the final hoorah and Jupiter is going out in style. So ensure you celebrate, party, do something special. Spend some quality time with your kids, fall in love, arrange a big social get-together with your favourite people. Focus on your creativity too and remember that being a Taurus and ruled by arty Venus, you have an artistic touch.
Whether you enjoy to paint, sing, sculpt or dance, let your creative and artistic side soar. This is where joy can be found in your life, whatever else is happening. In many respects, this month’s events could prove to be a major crossroads in your life when one chapter is coming to a close and a new chapter is beginning.
Finally, note too that communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th so get yourself ready before then. It’s always worth backing up correspondence and sorting out any transport or computer glitches before the trickster of the heavens starts to retreat through the zodiac.