Your ruling planet, Venus, is playing catch up for the first half of April. Venus remains in Aries and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 14th, along with the Sun and talk planet Mercury in Aries until the 19th.
Aries represents privacy and secrets in your horoscope; it’s about being quiet and turning your attention inwards. It’s also about caring for yourself and taking care of other people.
Time Out
You may want more time to yourself in the first half of April, whether you enjoy solitary activities such as reading or journalling. Or, you simply sit quietly. When Venus is in Aries, it’s an ideal time to tend to your inner life and gently stroke and soothe your soul.
You might have some big decisions to make this month, perhaps regarding travel or study. At times, your dreams could seem beyond your reach, impossible to attain.
Notice what happens when your planet Venus clashes with Pluto in Capricorn and your travel and study sector on the 12th, the day of the New Moon in Aries. For something new to begin, you may first have to let go of a long-held dream, plan or project.
Money Vibes
Money plays a key role in your endeavours this month so use your earthy common sense to see what’s possible and what’s not. Up until the 23rd, action planet Mars is in Gemini and your personal money sector.
This is potentially ambitious and gives you drive to earn more or sort out your financial situation. You want to make things happen and fast. Mars aligns with Venus on the 6th, a day when you can make the right connections or the right move with regard to money, values and self-worth.
Also, trust your instincts as Mercury (communication) in Aries from the 4th to the 19th is in mutual reception with Mars (action) in Gemini. This means they are in each other’s sign of rulership and are working together.
Clever ideas could come thick and fast and help you turn things around quickly. Think laterally and come up with new ways of fixing an old problem or habit.
Taurus Season
There’s a clear shift in energy for you once the inner planets begin to move into your star sign Taurus. Venus, your ruler, moves here on the 14th followed by the Sun and Mercury on the 19th. You may find your energy levels lift or you’re more ready to go out and face the world.
The Sun represents vitality and energy so make the most of the start of your birthday month and put yourself first. Line up some events that make you feel good about yourself. This might include pampering and looking after your body, image or profile.
It would be a good time to work on yourself, whether you sign up for a personal development course or boost your skills and talents in some way. Invest in yourself so you can be your best self moving forwards.
Turn your gaze towards the future and line up some new experiences and adventures. Work out what it is that’s been holding you back and then take steps to find answers to questions and solutions to problems.
Full Moon Excitement
You also have Uranus, the planet of change, in your star sign, Taurus. Uranus is active this month on the 23rd, 24th & 30th when Uranus aligns with Venus, Mercury and the Sun respectively.
All this remarkable and innovative planetary activity takes place around the Full Moon on the 27th. Things feel intense during this Full Moon as it falls in Scorpio and your opposite star sign. Plus, Scorpio’s co-ruler Pluto turns retrograde on the day of the Full Moon.
Love and money are under the spotlight and things could happen quickly. You may be the one who leaps into action and acts spontaneously. Or, perhaps it’s a key individual in your life who behaves erratically or brilliantly – it could go either way. You may be breaking free or falling in love.
Remember that kindness breeds kindness and love dominates over hate. Bring more beauty into the world just because you can and flex your artistic and creative muscles.
It’s All About You
For you, April’s big theme is about restoring your confidence and focusing primarily on yourself. You might find that other people are a boon to you once Mars enters Cancer and your communication sector on the 23rd. This is ideal for networking and being part of your community.
On the whole, turn your attention to you, consider where you’re heading and what next. It’s an excellent month to bring more stability into your life and practise gratitude for all that you have. You are the builder and creator of the zodiac, so tend to your garden and see what you can make grow.
You gain nothing now from staying put and limiting yourself to your comfort zone. Stretch beyond what you know. If Uranus pulls the rug out from under you, even more reason to reinvent yourself, let go of the past and move on.