Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
Your planet, Venus, has joined talk planet Mercury in water sign Pisces as April begins. Venus loves to be in Pisces, the boundless star sign and this combination is about unconditional love. This can be love for someone close or perhaps a good friend or life itself.
Love & Gratitude
It’s a positive time to practise love and gratitude. Be kind and caring and you open yourself up to receive the same in return. There’s a theme of surrender inherent within Pisces and this whole combination favours forgiveness and letting go of past hurts.
The last month or so may have been confusing for you with regard to your friends, group encounters or communications. You may have experienced untruths or betrayal or felt misunderstood. The first half of April is a promising time to heal any rifts and practise the art of forgiveness. Mercury remains in Pisces until the 17th and your ruler Venus is here until the 20th.
Both planets then join the Sun in your preceding sign of Aries. The baton is passed on in the most hidden sector of your horoscope. You might find that secrets emerge or news that’s been hidden comes to light this month. This could shake your confidence at times or add to the feeling of uncertainty or insecurity.
The focus is on your inner world whether you’re dealing with a sensitive issue or a personal challenge. Yes, there’s a chance for progress this month but this may be letting go of certain plans or things that haven’t worked out. In a way, it’s about wrapping up the past so you can create the space for new ideas and projects to emerge.
Order & Simplicity
The Sun enters your star sign, Taurus, on the 20th heralding the start of your birthday month. This is an excellent time to get organised. You enjoy life when you know what you’re doing and where you’re heading. You work best with a regular routine and you know where you stand.
Plus, if someone’s been withholding information or you have your suspicions about someone close, now’s the time to ask.
Focus on order in your life and move away from chaos once the Sun is in Taurus. Simplify or streamline your routine. Get rid of what’s no longer needed. Spend more time than usual thinking about yourself and consider what makes you happy and where you find comfort and ease in your life.
Set Your Intentions
Both the New Moon and Full Moon are significant in this respect. The New Moon falls in Aries on the 5th, an ideal date for setting new intentions that are personal or private. It’s a key date for focusing on inner work.
The Full Moon takes place on the 19th and cuts across the Aries-Libra axis of the zodiac. This Full Moon is a repeat of last month’s Full Moon which took place on March 21st. Last month, the light was at the beginning of the two star signs, this month the light is at the end of the two star signs.
Both Full Moons hold the energy of this axis of the zodiac, which is about work and routine, your lifestyle and health. Self-care is paramount now. Also, how you care for others and what you give to other people in your life.
In general, this period of the year is not about being out in the world. Instead, you’re likely to be mulling things over, considering who you are and what next. You might even be peeling away layers to reveal the true you.
A Change Of Plan
This could also be the story behind Saturn and Pluto this month. Both planets turn retrograde in earth sign Capricorn – Pluto on the 24th and Saturn on the 30th. Plus, both planets conjoin with the south node – Pluto on the 4th and Saturn on the 30th.
This whole combination could turn your plans on their head. What you thought you wanted in life may shift considerably now and over the next five months.
Capricorn is your travel and study sector, it’s the bigger picture of life and where you find meaning. With this combination, you may have a yearning to run away and escape, to spend more time on your own or be somewhere completely different.
Let things unfold and know that this whole period is about inner change. Also, what’s happening out in the world may have a big effect on your own plans. There could be limitations which kick in or projects which you have to let go of. This is not the time to be stubborn. Instead, trust that things will work out in time, even if right now, you’re unsure what next.
Money Ambitions
One area of your life where you can make progress this month is money and it’s here where you’re wise to focus your ambition. There are a couple of reasons for this.
Firstly, action planet Mars is in Gemini and your personal money sector throughout the month and plays a key role in your financial fortunes. Gemini is the sign of communication. Draw up new plans, do your accounts and be vocal in what you want to achieve financially.
Remember too that you have Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, in Sagittarius and your joint finance sector. Jupiter’s energy is strong from the 10th until the 15th. This is a good time to trust your intuition around money.
Decide which projects/investments are working out and look at where you need to change direction. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 10th and remains on go slow until mid-August. Hold your horses around money, remain faithful and see what develops over the next few months.
You are going to feel a pull towards risk-taking mid-April, especially on or close to the 22nd when the Sun in Taurus sits next to unpredictable Uranus. Yet, the rest of your astrology this month suggests holding fire, unless you’re someone who’s astutely intuitive.
Private Love
Finally, when it comes to love, Venus’ move into Aries on the 20th indicates that things are happening behind the scenes or in private. This may be a love affair you want to keep secret or unrequited feelings.
Perhaps, you’re trying to let go of someone from your past and even though you’re making progress, you’re not yet ready. This is par for the course with Venus in the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Work things out internally rather than making any sudden moves. Mid-May is when love will reach a new and more fulfilling stage.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful insights so generously…
Thank you, Tanya. Appreciated 🙂