Sun conjunct Mercury [06 Pisces 55]
February 26, 2020 (01:45 GMT)
This week, we reach the half-way point of Mercury retrograde when the Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury, the planet which rules communication & the mind .
Hidden Messages
The Sun/Mercury conjunction is the change-over time when Mercury moves from setting behind the Sun in the west to rise before the Sun in the east. It changes from being an evening star to a morning star.
Currently Mercury is looking backwards which can be linked to insights from the past. During retrograde phases there is more focus on the subconscious and it’s a fertile time of learning and evaluation.
Effectively, this is Mercury’s hidden phase when Mercury is mid-way through its retrograde phase. What is being brought forth in your life? What messages are you receiving? Create the time to listen to your inner voice this week, especially close to the Sun/Mercury conjunction.
Look out for synchronicities and nudges from the universe and listen to your dreams. Sometimes, the second half of the Mercury retrograde phase is easier and less confusing. You’re on the home stretch and you can start to eye up your next steps.
Cazimi Magic Moment
When Mercury is within 17′ arc of the Sun, this is called ‘cazimi’ in astrology. It means that Mercury is close within the rays of the Sun, bringing illumination and enlightenment.
It’s as if Mercury is sitting very close to the King of the heavens, as the Sun whispers important information and unique insights into Mercury’s ear.
The ‘cazimi’ moment lasts for approximately eight hours. It’s strongest from 10pm (GMT) on Tuesday 25th to 6am (GMT) on Wednesday 26th February.
For those of you in the UK, it’s perfect for synchronous dreams, messages from your unconscious. This is especially true as the Sun and Mercury are in the star sign linked to the realm of dreams & imagination, Pisces.
If you’re wide awake during the cazimi magic moment, make the most of Mercury’s audience with the King of the heavens. You have his attention – what will you say? You are hearing his insights – how will you use them?
Read your Sun sign/Ascendant sign below to see which area of your horoscope this cazimi magic highlights:
- Pisces – personal goals & self-image
- Aries – solitude & inner work
- Taurus – friends & wider society
- Gemini – career & status
- Cancer – travel & study
- Leo – joint finances & sexuality
- Virgo – love & relationships
- Libra – job & health
- Scorpio – birth i.e. kids, romance, creative project
- Sagittarius – home & family
- Capricorn – local community & ideas
- Aquarius – money & values
Weekly Newsletter
If you’re a weekly subscriber to my astrology newsletter, this week I also talk about the importance of Mars in Capricorn conjunct the South Node, which adds something extra to the Sun/Mercury cazimi conjunction.
If you become a subscriber this week, I’ll forward you this week’s astrology newsletter so you can find out more. Click here to sign up today: Weekly.