Sun-Jupiter Conjunction: Gifts And Wishes

make a wish, Sun-Jupiter conjunction

Sun conjunct Jupiter [21° Aries 45]

– April 11, 2023 (23:07 GMT+1)

A Gift From Me To You

Today’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction is said to be one of the luckiest days of the year.

The Sun-Jupiter combination is perfect for gifting others, for being generous and big-hearted. That’s why I decided to share some of my weekly horoscopes with you. 

They go out to paid subscribers every Sunday morning, giving them inside information into what’s happening and when. You can join the community here: Weekly

Sun-Jupiter Horoscopes

The excerpts below will give you some ideas on how the Sun-Jupiter combination can play out for you and how to make the most of it. Think gifts and wishes.

Jupiter’s the best planet in astrology. Jupiter expands what it touches and the Sun represents your essence, your identity, your purpose. The Sun lights up Jupiter’s hope and faith; Jupiter expands the Sun’s light and warmth.

This is a joyful combination which inclines towards optimism and confidence. It’s a gorgeous symbol for having faith, trusting deeply in yourself and letting your light shine.

Together, the Sun and Jupiter promise luck and good fortune. It’s a generous & giving combination. Therefore, this would be the ideal day to say yes to life, take a risk and broaden your horizons. 

As this conjunction falls in fire sign Aries, there’s a dynamic, motivated and impulsive edge to this combination. Anything that starts under a Jupiter transit is said to promise success.

The Sun-Jupiter conjunction feels especially lucky this week. If you have planets between 20-22° Aries, you’re in the hot zone.

Next week brings both an eclipse, a Pluto square and Mercury retrograde – all happening on or around April 20th/21st. Therefore, make the most of this week and leap into action while the stars are on your side.

Enjoy your horoscope and do read both your Sun sign & your Ascendant sign.


This week’s big event is the Sun/Jupiter conjunction. This is often thought of as one of the luckiest aspects of the whole year and it falls in your star sign Aries. Therefore, make the most of it. 

Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and growth, luck and good fortune. It’s linked to optimism, faith and truth. Jupiter rules foreign connections, education, publishing, the law and religion. 

When you have Jupiter next to the Sun in your star sign, this is about widening your horizons, saying yes to life, taking a risk or leap of faith. If ever there was a time to make the most of new opportunities, it’s now.

Notice who or what comes into your life early this week. Anything that begins under Jupiter’s benevolent gaze promises success.


The Sun/Jupiter conjunction falls in your previous star sign Aries. Therefore, this can be linked to karma and past deeds. It’s a key date to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice.

It might be an ideal time to turn inwards or be on retreat. You may be involved with study or research that connects you with your spiritual nature or the mysteries of the cosmos. Explore new horizons and find meaning and purpose beyond the everyday.

Think of this week’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction as a key time of preparation. Where do you need to have trust or faith that things will work out for you. The luckiest planet Jupiter is heading for Taurus on May 16th and will remain in your star sign for one whole year.


The big news this week is the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in fire sign Aries. This is about your hopes and wishes, your friendships and group activities. Jupiter rules trust and faith and the Sun-Jupiter conjunction feels hopeful.

This would be a wonderful time to be expansive, generous and giving. Reach out to other people and ask for the same in return. Good news for a friend might impact your life in a positive way, whether it’s cause for celebration or you benefit from someone else’s good fortune. 

The Sun/Jupiter combination is a reminder to work alongside other people as a team. It’s a symbol of togetherness and that you’re bigger and better as one world.


The big event this week is the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in fire sign Aries which is happening at the peak of your horoscope. Aries rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation. It’s about your future path.

This spells good news for you because the planet Jupiter promises success. It’s linked to hope and faith, truth and justice. This may be about your foreign connections, gaining qualifications, publishing, legal matters or finding your true vocation. 

Jupiter represents the bigger picture and stepping out of your comfort zone, taking a risk and doing things differently. Therefore, this isn’t a time to play small. If a new opportunity comes your way this week, the answer is yes.

This could be about freedom or taking a step back from work or selling a business. Jupiter isn’t the planet of responsibility. Instead, it’s linked to joy, celebration. liberation and good times.


The Sun/Jupiter conjunction is reason to celebrate. The Sun rules your star sign Leo and is currently in Aries, your element, a star sign that you’re in tune with. And Jupiter’s the luckiest planet, also in Aries.

​​​​​​​Aries rules travel and study in your horoscope, philosophy, spirituality, religion. Any activity that inspires you to step out of your comfort zone and live a life that’s in alignment with who you are.

This would be a wonderful week to consider travel plans or begin a new course of education. Big planet Jupiter is linked to publishing, the law, the media and any area in your life where you can make a difference.

Think of your life as a journey this week and take advantage of a new opportunity that comes your way. Take yourself off somewhere you’ve never been before, reconsider your beliefs, your spiritual path.


The Sun/Jupiter conjunction is the big event this week. Together, these two planetary bodies are in Aries and potentially boosting your joint finances and shared resources.

This feels abundant, even wealthy and you might receive a gift, bonus or inheritance. It’s about playing big where money’s concerned, trusting yourself and taking a risk. 

Alternatively, Jupiter represents freedom so this might be a time when you’re breaking free from debt or cutting a financial tie. Or, perhaps you’re considering who or what holds you back. 

This is about money and finances on the one hand but Aries represents esoteric and hidden affairs in your horoscope. This is about your values and what matters to you deeply. It’s about how you’re connected with other people, through what you own and earn. 


The big planetary event this week is the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Aries and your opposite star sign. Aries rules relationships, contracts and your one-to-one partnerships.

This could be perfect for a joint venture or finding an expert to help you. Team up with other people to combine your skills. It’s not just about the business side of life either, as this is potentially about love too.

It’s a lucky combination and could bring good news for someone close which has a knock-on effect in your life. This could be a peak date for love and romance. Be open-hearted and willing, aim to find a compromise with other people and enjoy your close liaisons.​​​​​​​

Jupiter’s the planet linked to foreign connections so it would be a good date to book a holiday or honeymoon. At its best, this combination could mean your partner surprises you with a trip away or a special occasion or celebration.


Lucky Jupiter is in action this week in fire sign Aries and this could bring good news for you. Jupiter teams up with the Sun in a powerful conjunction.

The Sun represents vitality and Jupiter expands what it touches. ​​​​​This is a positive vibe which could be healing if you’ve been under the weather or ill recently. It would be a wonderful week to actively embrace feel-good activities and put new healthy habits in place.

As Aries is one of the work sectors of your horoscope, this is about finding work you love, showing off your skills and talents and being proud of your abilities. It’s not the time to hide your light. Instead, shine bright, be confident and have faith that you’re on the right track. 

If you’re looking for work, use the Sun/Jupiter conjunction to expand your reach and explore new opportunities. Anything that begins under a Jupiter transit promises success.


This could turn out to be a big week for you as your ruling planet Jupiter teams up with the Sun in Aries. Plus, Aries is the same element as your star sign Sagittarius. Therefore, this indicates being in flow and feeling good about life. Also, being able to find the positives in any situation.

Aries lights up love affairs and romance in your horoscope so this suggests it might be a powerful week for love. Perhaps, you find the will to break free from a challenging relationship. Alternatively, you feel ready to open your heart to love once again. Someone new who you meet could act as the catalyst urging you to find love.

Aries rules children in your horoscope, so it’s potentially a positive week if you want to start a family or have fun with your children. Or, perhaps there’s good news for a child and reason to celebrate.

Aries is linked to creative projects, hobbies and what you enjoy doing in your leisure time. Therefore, the Sun/Jupiter conjunction is wonderful for enjoyment, entertainment and tapping into your creative or spiritual source. Look out for a lucky opportunity or invitation that comes your way. 


Home and family matters dominate this week, thanks to the stunning Sun/Jupiter conjunction in fire sign Aries and the star sign at the base of your horoscope.

This glorious combination lights up your home and family sector in a good way. This would be a perfect week to meet up with family, reconnect with your past or take a trip down memory lane. 

If you’re involved in buying or selling property, this could be potentially lucrative for you with abundant Jupiter in action. Jupiter favours open-plan living or finding your dream home abroad.

Jupiter’s the planet of freedom, so you may be letting someone go, perhaps a child who’s leaving for college, a lodger or someone close. This isn’t the time to hold on tight. Instead, trust and have faith that the circle of life continues to move on, sometimes bringing loss, but also rebirth and renewal.


The Sun/Jupiter conjunction falls in fire sign Aries and your communication sector. As Jupiter expands what it touches, this is brilliant for celebration, speaking up and letting your true personality shine.

​​​​​​​This could coincide with a big moment in your life when you’re in the public eye or stepping up to a new challenge. It’s a lucky combination so make the most of it. 

Jupiter represents foreign connections and education. Therefore, it would be an ideal time to learn a new language, widen your social network or extend your business connections.

Wherever your life would benefit by reaching out to people, gathering information, learning and passing on your experience, this is a go-for-it period. It’s not the time to go it alone. Instead, team up with other people to make the most of your life and make a difference.


The Sun/Jupiter conjunction is powerful for you because Jupiter is your ruling planet. This falls in fire sign Aries and lights up your personal money sector. 

This is potentially good news as Jupiter’s linked to luck. Jupiter rules good fortune, opportunity and growth so it’s a promising symbol for earnings and investment. 

​​​​You might be dealing with big sums of money whether you’re completing a property move or investing in a new project. Look out for a new money-making opportunity too. Anything that begins under a Jupiter transit promises success.

The Sun and Jupiter together are generous so if you want to loan money or help someone out financially, This would be a great time to reach out. This might include paying for college fees or donating money towards a good cause. 

Weekly Horoscopes

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2 thoughts on “Sun-Jupiter Conjunction: Gifts And Wishes”

  1. Taurus here – so it’s falling in my 12th. And just as you say, I’m feeling very retreative – not finding the external world or other people are interesting me. The last couple of weeks I’ve been sleeping 8-9hrs every night. The modern world doesn’t appreciate the need to retreat periodically enough in my opinion.

    It was the same in 2011. We had Uranus in there too and I barely left the house other than to go to work, buy food and one or two other obligations. It really felt quite bizarre especially as once Jupiter moved on into Taurus, it kickstarted one of the best years of my life. Not sure whether I get that again, let’s see!

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