Sun Conjunct Saturn: Conserving Energy

Shadow of a manSaturn makes the second of its three conjunctions in November tomorrow, Tuesday 18th November [08:50 GMT] and this time it’s a conjunction with the Sun in the sign of Scorpio.

In traditional astrology, Saturn is the enemy of the lights, the Sun and Moon. Saturn’s signs of rulership are Capricorn and Uranus whereas the Moon rules Cancer and is ‘weak’ in its opposite sign of Capricorn and the Sun rules Leo and is ‘weak’ in its opposite sign of Aquarius. In other words, the signs in which Saturn is strong are directly opposed to the signs in which the Sun and Moon are strong.

This is important because Saturn weakens the energy of the lights; it acts as a shade, it dampens them, wears them down. Tomorrow’s yearly conjunction between the Sun and Saturn is powerful because the Sun rules vitality, energy, creative source, spirit. Saturn is clamping down on these life-giving attributes and an image that springs to mind is a big grey elephant sitting upon and squashing a tiny person. Ouch!

On a personal note, I’ve been fending off a bug this weekend trying to conserve my energy ready for a busy week ahead with work. If your energy sources are depleted for whatever reason, the beginning of this week is vital to prioritise self-care and look after your health. Use all your tricks to slow down the pace, work at a measured rate, keep calm, manage your time well, etc.

Later this week on Saturday 22nd November [05:53] the Moon and Saturn meet in the sign of Scorpio. As the Moon is faster moving than the Sun (the Sun takes a year to circuit the zodiac; the Moon takes approximately 28 days), these two planetary bodies, Moon & Saturn, meet more regularly. This time around they make their conjunction only a few hours before the Sun enters Sagittarius and the New Moon takes place at 0 Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius energy feels like a blaze of light piercing through the darkness bringing much-needed enthusiasm, excitement and invigoration. Before that, however, we’re the in the dark moon phase and this is akin to Saturn’s realm. Meditation and silence favour Saturn’s sober and austere demeanour; be not wasteful but conservative, honour ritual and daily routine, be committed and diligent. Save your bold moves for the weekend; until then, head down and conserve your energy.

[n.b. Saturn is currently at 25 Scorpio so you’re more likely to feel Saturn’s weight if you have planets/key angles between 24-26 Scorpio. In astrology, Saturn (Capricorn) rules teeth & bones & the Sun (Leo) rules the spine & back. Roger Federer, Sun Leo, currently has the Sun/Saturn conjunction applying to his natal Uranus [26 Scorpio 03] and if you’re a tennis fan you will have heard the sad news that he couldn’t play in the ATP final against Novak Djokovic yesterday, Sunday 16th November, because of back problems 🙁 ]



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3 thoughts on “Sun Conjunct Saturn: Conserving Energy”

  1. Looking at the aspects you’ve written about ,we wonder what will happen to Roger Federer on Sunday.He has to win his match (the Davis Cup). it’s for HIM and his country Switzerland. This is the only thing he’s never won and it seems he really wants it badly.Poor Roger lost today Friday.

  2. Looking at the aspects you’ve written about ,we wonder what will happen to Roger Federer on Sunday.He has to win his match (the Davis Cup). it’s for HIM and his country Switzerland. This is the only thing he’s never won and it seems he really wants it badly.Poor Roger lost today Friday.

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