Sun conjunct Mercury [0 Gemini 12] – May 21 2019 (14:07 GMT+1)
Swift-moving planetary activity takes place today involving the Sun and communication planet, Mercury.
Mercury never moves far away from the Sun in the zodiac. When you’re born, Mercury will nearly always be in the same sign as the Sun or one sign before or after.
This means that the Sun and Mercury make a conjunction in the zodiac a few times a year, when they sit side-by-side. Sometimes, Mercury is retrograde. Other times, it is in direct motion, as today.
When Mercury is within 17′ arc of the Sun, this is called ‘cazimi’ in astrology. It means that Mercury is close within the rays of the Sun, bringing illumination and enlightenment.
It’s as if Mercury is sitting very close to the King of the heavens, as the Sun whispers important information and unique insights into Mercury’s ear.
The Sun’s power and vitality brings out the best in Mercury, already strong in its sign of rulership, Gemini. Plus, they meet at 0 degrees Gemini, a seed degree, the first degree of the sign, excellent for initiating new beginnings.
This ‘cazimi’ moment lasts for approximately eight hours today. It’s strongest from mid-day (GMT +1) when Mercury has entered Gemini until 8 pm (GMT+1).
The big question is: what are you going to ask? How are you going to use this unique signature in the zodiac to its best potential? Both the Sun and Mercury enter Gemini, the sign of communication today and immediately talk, unite, negotiate, plot & scheme.
This is perfect for sending off a proposal, writing that important email, sending off an impromptu text, having that significant conversation, starting your manuscript, book, journal.
Gemini rules all forms of communication, the written and spoken word. The cazimi conjunction can spark great ideas. Good news may come your way. Or perhaps, you are the bearer of good news.
Play around with this symbolism and make the most of Mercury’s audience with the King of the heavens. You have his attention – what will you say? You are hearing his insights – how will you use them?
Read your Sun sign/Ascendant sign below to see which area of your horoscope this cazimi magic highlights:
- Gemini – personal goals & self-image
- Cancer – solitude & inner work
- Leo – friends & wider society
- Virgo – career & status
- Libra – travel & study
- Scorpio – joint finances & sexuality
- Sagittarius – love & relationships
- Capricorn – job & health
- Aquarius – birth i.e. kids, romance, creative project
- Pisces – home & family
- Aries – local community & ideas
- Taurus – money & values