Solstice Blessings December 2021


Sun enters Capricorn

– December 21st 2021 (15:59 GMT) 

The Sun enters Capricorn on Tuesday 21st, the day of the Solstice. This heralds the change in season when the Sun ‘stands still’ in the sky, the literal meaning of sol-stice (Sun – stands still).

The Solstice is one of the four markers of the zodiac, when you reach the shortest day and longest night or longest day and shortest night, depending where you live. Here in the UK, the days are growing shorter and the nights longer.

In the Solstice chart for London (GMT), Jupiter is on the Midheaven, the peak of the horoscope, a beacon of hope. Frankly, hope is much needed right now as the more challenging astrology this week is already making itself known in the world. I’m sure many of you have had plans changed or disappointments on the run up to this festive season.

I read a lovely quote about the Solstice recently which said, “something in us needs to know that at the end of the longest night there will be light”. This seems especially poignant at this time of year. 

The Solstice heralds a beginning as it welcomes in a new season. Make sure to honour the Solstice and light a fire or burn candles.  This tradition is in honour of the heat and warmth of the Sun which brings us vitality, energy and life. The Sun & Moon have never failed to keep rising and setting daily, amidst all our upheavals over the last two years.

The Sun in Capricorn makes us think of work, duty and responsibility. Yet, Capricorn is the shaman with hidden depths, who finds fulfilment and meaning by being alone, not lonely. You might want to stride up a mountain, take yourself off somewhere quiet or be in silence.

Honour the Solstice through meditation, journal or plan ahead. Find time for loved ones if you’re lucky enough to be with them, snuggle by the fire, cook nourishing food and share what you have with others. It’s a special time of year and worth honouring in deep reflection.

Happy Solstice – may your inner light shine bright

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