Scorpio Your Year Ahead 2015

gerbera planet

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure”

Bill Gates, business magnate, Sun Scorpio (b. October 28 1955)


Scorpio 2015 Year Ahead Summary

This is a year when your career is flying high and learning how to create more freedom and excitement in your daily routine goes hand in hand with career goals. A lifestyle change can be life-enhancing and being aware of the mind-body-spirit connection and opting for holistic harmony in your life is a revolution in itself.

You may not be chasing a top position but discovering your passion and doing more of it brings a sense of deep satisfaction. Learning to delegate and work alongside a team of people makes life easier and puts less stress on you. Shedding responsibility is the way forward for some.

Get real planet Saturn spends most of the year in your money sector urging you to get on board with the dogma, ‘less is more’. Remember that whatever you begin with regard to money matters, Saturn wants you to be in it for the long haul and even if you’re earning more not less, a sensible approach to finances is recommended.

Love too will have its moments in 2015 but focusing on your own happiness and personal goals must be your priority. Best case scenario is being with a partner who backs what you do all the way and a business partnership can thrive and prosper.

If you would like to read the whole of your 2015 stars, Your 2015 Stars Year Ahead eBook is available to purchase for only £10 – all 12 star signs, 3,500 words per sign. Click here to order.

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