Scorpio September 2016

Scorpio September 2016

Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)

There’s a certain amount of mess and muddle as September gets underway, thanks to planetary activity that’s confusing or disorienting. This begins with communication planet Mercury retrograde, i.e. in retreat, until the 22nd.

Mercury retrograde is often a time when you lose your way, you can’t see the path ahead clearly. You get bogged down with everyday life and end up paying too much attention to the details. You’re easily distracted and find that waiting on other people can drive you nuts.

Yet that’s what you have to do at least to some extent throughout the month of September. There’s going to be an important lesson in letting go, surrender, giving in to life as it is.

Mercury is on go slow in Virgo, the sign which rules your friends and group activities so it’s these areas of your life where there’s a stop-start scenario taking place. Know that misunderstandings are likely when Mercury’s up to its tricks so don’t jump to conclusions or believe everything you hear.

You might have to drop out of a group activity this month or you find that other peoples’ commitment isn’t what you expect. Keep an open mind and your plans flexible.

The other reason why life might be especially dramatic now for your friendships or group interactions is because there are two eclipses taking place. Eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light and they’re linked to secrets and the unexpected.

There’s a solar or New Moon eclipse on the 1st also in the sign of Virgo and a lunar or Full Moon eclipse cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac on the 16th. Traditionally you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before making a big decision or taking action and this fits with Mercury on go slow.

At times this month might prove frustrating for you and bring out the impatient side of your character. Yet there’s no point rushing now as new information will come to light once Mercury turns direct on the 22nd.

Money matters too need to be considered carefully especially on the 1st and the 10th when there’s a powerful Saturn-Neptune square in the heavens. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius and your personal money sector and this rarely feels abundant.

Instead you have to either live within your means, save hard or deal with debt or hardship. One thing you do learn with Saturn in this sector of your chart is that hard work pays off so knuckle down and see where you can conserve your outgoings or expenses.

Yet your ruling planet Mars is also now in Sagittarius and moving forward swiftly. Whereas the Saturn-Neptune square might trigger doubt or fear around money matters, Mars is bold and daring.

The 17th in particular is a lively date when Mars teams up with Uranus in Aries and your work sector. This is a good date to be spontaneous and take a risk. There might be an opportunity to win a contract or find a new job. Do whatever’s right for you to return to a place of confidence where money and work are concerned.

The end of the month feels more dynamic in general and after a long period of miscommunication or waiting, things start to happen quickly. When Mercury turns direct on the 22nd it does so in a powerful trine aspect to your co-ruler Pluto in Capricorn and your communication sector.

Plus on the 26th Pluto turns direct in Capricorn and a day later on the 27th, your ruling planet Mars enters Capricorn. So this is a run of green lights where communication is concerned. Being patient and not leaping to conclusions will pay off as September comes to a close. This is when you can speak your mind and make important decisions. Your power is back big-time so use it to your utmost.

Capricorn rules all forms of communication, networking and connections so reach out to others and push for any information or news you need to hear.

Love planet Venus also enters your sign of Scorpio on the 23rd, another sign that you’re back in the groove as September’s trickier planetary activity is behind you. This is good news for both love and money. Be passionate and do whatever you want to boost your confidence.

Yet this month is also introducing you to a new way of doing things because of a major move concerning the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the biggest and best planet and it changes signs approximately once every year. On the 9th Jupiter enters Libra, the sign of relationships, and the most hidden sector of your chart.

This indicates that inner work will be important in the year ahead and you’re likely to be working behind the scenes. This is going to be an important year of preparation, getting yourself ready for Jupiter’s epic move into Scorpio in just over one year’s time.

You might decide to walk a spiritual path or tap into your desire to transform the world. You might work towards peace or decide to retreat from everyday life to lead a more harmonious existence, to find peace within yourself.

For some, it’s a love affair or private emotions which trigger a new direction. Love planet Venus is also in Libra up until the 23rd but the key date is the 26th when the Sun and Jupiter align in Libra. This is when you’ll understand more closely what Jupiter’s epic move into the hidden sector of your chart means for you.

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3 thoughts on “Scorpio September 2016”

  1. Hi Sally! When i was reading the monthly horoscopes i’ve realised that the star signs are the signs corresponding to ascendant?! Is that right? Because iam a leo sun ascending scorpio and found out actually that the planetary positiions are according to scorpio description.
    Thanks for your posts!!

    1. hi Sandro, you can read the horoscopes for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. Horoscopes are based on solar houses, i.e. where the Sun is positioned in your chart. I always read my Sun sign first, Ascendant second for a complete analysis. Hope that helps.

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