Scorpio October 2017

Scorpio, stag

Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)

October starts with a bang as your co-rulers, Mars and Pluto, come together in a strong planetary aspect on the 1st. Both planets are in earth signs, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, so this feels grounding, stable and a powerful force of energy.

It highlights in particular your associations, old and new friends, people of influence, your writing and your communications in general. So get out in the world and make those all important connections. It’s a powerful time to act as October begins.

Mars your ruler, remains in Virgo until the 22nd and there’s more excitement early in the month as Mars teams up with Venus in Virgo on the 5th as they are at the same point in the zodiac. Venus is the planet of relating and more specifically for you, your partner planet.

This is the one and only time that Mars and Venus, the lovers of the heavens. come together this year, so it could be a big deal. It might spell a successful time for love or for friendship as Virgo rules your friend and group sector.

Venus teams up with Pluto, your co-ruler on the 3rd, so the first few days of October look especially interesting. Use your Scorpio magnetism to good effect and you could win someone over in style.

The trickiest period however is the 8th to the 11th and this is when you need to batten down the hatches and rein in rather than give out. The planet Saturn in Sagittarius and your money sector clashes with Venus and Mars. At the same time, Pluto, your co-ruler, is in conflict with other key personal planets.

So keep tight reins on your money and spending during this time and try not to become too disheartened if things don’t work out for you. Pluto can take you down into the depths if you allow it to, so if life feels dark or difficult, ensure you get necessary support. Take good care of yourself.

This month is intriguing for you, not always easy but at times incredibly promising. Both the Sun (self) and Mercury (communication) are in Libra until the 23rd and 17th respectively and this is a hidden part of your horoscope.

When key planets are in Libra you’re dealing with your inner life, your personal feelings and thoughts. It’s all going on inside rather than out in the world. You might have to take extra care of yourself, perhaps because you’re ill or under the weather, or you might be caring for someone close.

With planets in Libra, this is a time of preparation, getting ready for the next phase, so it can be helpful for study or research. It’s often a time when you need to complete a project or close a door on the past. Only then can you make the most of new beginnings.

The Full Moon on the 5th cuts across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac and this might highlight where you need to pay close attention in your life. Aries rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health, so another indication to look after yourself.

The New Moon on the 19th also falls in Libra and opposite the planet of the unexpected Uranus. This month you need to get used to not being in control which is rarely easy for you. Be patient and flexible and you will get to where you want to be.

Venus enters Libra on the 14th followed by your ruling planet Mars on the 22nd. So prioritise quiet time in your life, follow a spiritual path and trust that things are meant to be. It’s not always easy for you to surrender to life, but with so many planets moving through Libra, this might be your best bet.

The big news this month, however, is Jupiter’s move into your sign of Scorpio and this feels very different for you, transformational even. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and good fortune, it represents expansion and luck and it spends one year in each sign of the zodiac. The last time Jupiter was in Scorpio was October 2005 to November 2006.

This month, on the 10th, Jupiter leaves the air sign Libra and enters Scorpio. This is definitely something worth waiting for and as Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and growth, luck and good fortune, it signals new beginnings in the best possible way.

You might be more than ready to move on, to let go of any frustration, to put delays and obstacles to one side and start life flowing in the direction you choose. This may coincide with a shift in confidence or a change in attitude.

Jupiter is the planet most closely linked to hope and faith and it helps you view the glass half full rather than half empty. Think positive, expand your horizons and you can shift your perspective on life.

Once Jupiter is in Scorpio, you’re being called forth, whether you’re keen to visit places you’ve never been before, you want to step up your own learning or take a stand for truth or justice. You can’t play small when Jupiter is in your sign and in fact, it’s wise not to. This is the risk-taking planet, linked to vision and entrepreneurial ventures.

There’s a flurry of positive activity in your sign too once Jupiter is in Scorpio, because Mercury enters Scorpio on the 17th and the Sun moves into your sign on the 23rd, the start of your birthday month. So look out for new opportunities, be bold in your intentions and set your compass to a new direction in life.

Mercury meets Jupiter on the 18th and the Sun in Scorpio teams up with Jupiter on the 26th, one of the luckiest dates of the year for you. Scorpio rules your personal goals and ambitions, your profile and image and it’s time to up your game and make your mark.

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