Scorpio Monthly Stars October 2013

Scorpio KitschensyngkScorpio (24 October-21 November)

There’s not a great deal of opportunity to sit around twiddling your fingers as October begins although to be honest you may need to pace your life and balance busyness with some quiet times.

Mars, your traditional ruler, remains in Leo and your career sector until the 15th plus Mercury, planet of communication, entered your sign of Scorpio on 29th September where it remains until early December.

Mercury in your sign is brilliant for research, analysis and deep soul-searching. It helps to keep you focused and on purpose. With Saturn in on the act however, especially on the 8th and 29th, it may feel relentless at times and your determination to succeed could slip into driven behaviour.

If you’re seeking new work, you may be hard on yourself and feel that you have to keep going but whatever your work situation, don’t take on so much that your health suffers and do focus on self care and your own well-being.

There will be one or two warning bells this month if you keep going without stopping and the first could arrive in the early days of October when there’s a Cardinal T-square in the heavens on the 2nd/3rd. This involves the Sun in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun in Libra is hidden away in the sector of your chart that represents retreat and solitude. You may be spending a lot of time working on a project at home, be exploring a spiritual path or find that you want more time to yourself to read and explore new ideas.

This is the positive side of the Sun in Libra but if you’re not watching the signs, you could miss sudden changes that move the goal posts meaning you lose out on work or end up under attack from an unexpected quarter. The 2nd/3rd are a tricky couple of days for communication and someone else needs to be accountable for their bad behaviour, their negativity or being outspoken.

The New Moon on the 5th also falls in the sign of Libra and this is your chance to right those wrongs or take a step back from a difficult situation in your life. Think rest and retreat and put your own needs first. Some of you may decide to change jobs if you know that you’re putting your health at risk or you’re around people who don’t benefit you. Take yourself off for the weekend or plan some time away.

This month’s success lies in good timing and with Venus moving into your cash sector on the 7th and heading for a trine or easy aspect with Uranus on the 16th, this is a date to circle to apply for a job or be lucky with money.

Too much navel-gazing or worrying about what the future holds won’t help but with a deeply introspective feel to your stars this month, you’ll be lucky to get away without falling into a negative Scorpio spiralling at least once. If you’re a typical Scorpio, you’ll know that sometimes you can be your own worst enemy and a master at self-sabotage. The way out of this is threefold: talk to people who can help you, read books that can guide you and develop good daily habits that support you.

What you’re working on this month and next and the subtle changes that you’re making will move you in the right direction even if it’s a circuitous journey at times and you wonder whether you’re ever going to reach your destination. This is partly due to the Mercury retrograde cycle taking place in your own sign of Scorpio from 21st October-10th November. You may feel as if it’s a case of one step forward and two steps back during this time but the good news is that your potential for learning is huge. Be willing to learn from your mistakes, to experiment and not be afraid to fail.

The stars are supporting you by providing a safe base, an anchor and a solid foundation from which to launch yourself. Some of you will already know that Saturn in Scorpio is about honing your skills, working hard and being determined to achieve your goals. You’re one of life’s survivors and a tough cookie and sharing your experience and wisdom can also help others now.

On the 18th the Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse cutting across the Aries/Libra axis bringing potential changes at work and a possible wake up call. The message is coming across loud and clear that finding a way to follow your passion and express your creativity is paramount.

Jupiter and Neptune are in your fellow water signs of Cancer and Pisces respectively adding hope and faith to the mix. Whether your dream is to travel, write a best-seller, paint a masterpiece, start a family or fall in love, it starts with hope and vision. Then circle the 1st and 25th as dates to move one step closer to your dream.

The Sun’s move into Scorpio on the 23rd reminds you that if there was ever a time to fulfil a personal ambition or goal, it’s now whilst the build up of planets in your sign of Scorpio intensifies. Be true to who you are and embrace your life to the full.

[photo from]

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