Scorpio Monthly Stars June 2014

Scorpio Month of NovemberScorpio (24 October-21 November)

This is a game-changing month when the more you trust your intuition and follow your gut instinct, the more you’ll be in flow with life. There are a few hurdles to overcome first and a bit of a muddle or a mess in the middle but as long as you keep your eye on the long-term goal, you’ll get there in the end.

The long-term goal may be a trip away, a holiday, a course of study, a period of learning, a sabbatical or a spiritual path. This is because Jupiter, the planet of good vibes and inspiration, is currently in your fellow water sign of Cancer that rules all the areas listed. It’s where you find your meaning in life and your sense of adventure.

However, this month takes you down a dead-end or two before you reach your destination and this is because Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th in the same sector of your chart. Mercury retrograde often coincides with an about-turn, plans changing suddenly, being halted in your tracks or some other such scenario.

Listen carefully to what happens and notice what’s being blocked on or around the 7th of the month as it might be more important to wait until mid-July in order to make progress and be back in flow. Mid-July is when Mercury’s back at the same place in the heavens as it turns retrograde on June 7th.

There’s a nostalgic feel to this Mercury retrograde and you feel pulled towards a trip that takes you back to the past. You may hear from someone who lives abroad or who you met on your travels. Old contacts often pop up when Mercury’s in backward motion.

On the 17th Mercury leaves Cancer and reverses into Gemini, the part of your chart that rules joint finances and you need to keep your wits about you when it comes to money, especially money that’s owed, you share with someone close or you have tied up in a financial institution. It could be tricky to get your hands on the money you need or you find that someone moves the goalposts and what you thought was signed and sealed isn’t.

The last two weeks of the month are not a good time to make a big financial decision or to sign a contract and if you can wait until July, do so. The numbers don’t add up and you’ll also find that new information comes to light once Mercury turns direct and you’ll be glad you waited.

This month sees the final stage of a situation that’s been dragging in your life since December 2013. Mars, your ruling planet, entered your previous sign of Libra back then and has been stuck there ever since. Plus Mars has clashed with the Uranus/Pluto square not once but three times and this month sees the third and final conflict.

This feels as if you might be letting go of a situation that no longer works for you and you’re now ready to move on. It’s not an easy energy however and it does suggest conflict before resolution. The dates to note are the 14th and the 25th when Mars clashes with Pluto and then Uranus. You can push for what you want but it’s worth considering your motivation. The areas to note are communication, work and your health. Best case scenario is that you finally decide to give up something that’s bad for you, n.b. Libra rules sugar and sweet things.

It could also be an attachment to a past relationship as Libra rules relating. What’s important to note is that Mars is going to move into your own sign of Scorpio late next month plus Jupiter enters Leo and your career sector so July is unbelievably powerful for your career, your ambition and your personal goals. What do you need to let go of first in order for you to be free or in the right mindset to make your mark?

This is potentially a strong month for love as Venus, the love planet, is in your opposite sign of Taurus where she’s strong up until the 23rd. This feels indulgent and sensual and if you’re in a relationship or married, it’s an excellent month to focus on love and do whatever’s necessary to ensure your relationship’s on track and solid.

The 9th is potentially romantic as is the 18th but the weekend of the 13th-15th is a different story. There’s a powerful Full Moon which always raises emotions but Saturn in your sign of Scorpio opposes Venus and Pluto clashes with Mars. This feels as if you or your partner will be laying down the law and putting some firm boundaries in place. This could be cash-related as the Full Moon cuts across your money axis. Either way, again there’s a theme of endings and knocking bad behaviour on the head.

Two key planets turn retrograde in Pisces and your romance sector this month, Neptune on the 9th and Chiron on the 20th. Both these planets have sensitive, healing qualities and with Venus in Taurus, this feels as if it’s an important month for love. Let go of what’s not serving you or whatever’s blocking you and free up your heart to be more open and loving.

4 thoughts on “Scorpio Monthly Stars June 2014”

  1. Hi Sally, mine was spot on from this, “This month sees the final stage of a situation that’s been dragging in your life since December 2013.” I could finally get out of the dragging job I couldn’t get out of since December..I just read this and realized this actually happened to me. Amazing!

    1. Thanks for your comment and how amazing is your story. I have had a similar experience with a job not working out and bringing me a lot of frustration. I’ll be writing about it in my weekly newsletter if you subscribe to it. Glad to hear you’ve managed to extricate yourself from the situation too. A difficult boss is a nightmare and the problem with Mars in Libra is that you feel ineffectual in dealing with it all. Good that you’ve broken away. best, Sally

  2. And it happened on 14th as you said above, then 25th was the last tantrum I had to face at work but it was much easier, knowing that was the last one! So happy this is over with.

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