July’s stars suggest movement and life shifting up a gear. Questions concerning your career and vocation are raised and, even if you’re busy, in the back of your mind you keep pondering what next.
There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, Mercury, the planet of communication, is up at the top of your chart in the sign of Leo, majestic and proud. Leo is your career sector, it’s about being in the public eye, making a name for yourself and taking on a new position of responsibility. Mercury links to Venus which involves money, and the more open you are to new and abundant ways of improving your lifestyle/income the better.
Venus, the planet that rules all the good things in life, is moving swiftly forward in your joint finance sector, which suggests progress. In addition, Venus is accompanied by Jupiter, planet of opportunity, so there is potential to improve your wealth and your general financial well-being. Jupiter remains in Gemini until June 26th 2013 so this is a long-term process of spreading your net wide and seeking out new opportunities.
Mercury teams up with Venus on the 4th and the 14th in a cosmic dance. Mercury chases after Venus on the 4th but then slows down and Venus catches up with Mercury on the 14th. So look out for second chances around this time, whether this concerns a job, a position of employment or a money-making opportunity.
Another planet involved with these two is Uranus in Aries and your everyday work sector. This feels like ducking and diving, trying out new and different things and embracing technology to get your message across. Look out for new opportunities, be spontaneous and impulsive, make contacts and don’t worry if not everything you touch turns to gold. It’s about being willing to keep trying, learning and taking different routes. The 4th and 5th are Uranus days, plus the 13th, 22nd, 25th and 31st.
However, Mercury does turn retrograde on the 15th and remains on go slow until 8th August. The focus remains on career and vocational matters as the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd for its month’s stay. But as always when Mercury’s retrograde, it’s a time to review, revise and reflect and not make any major decisions. You often find that when Mercury picks up speed again, new information comes to light and you’ll be glad you took your time. So here again there’s a sense of questioning, finding your way on a new career path or looking at the bigger picture and deciding what next.
Your planet Mars is also on the move as it enters Libra on the 3rd where it remains until late August. This turns your attention inwards, a great time for research, planning and doing anything that requires quiet or solitude. It’s an important gestational period before your ambitious gene kicks in again and world domination beckons (or your personal equivalent). The date to note is August 23rd when your planet Mars returns to its sign of Scorpio. For now kick back and listen to what life’s telling you. Experiment and try out new things.
Jupiter is your 8th house, which is associated with your sign of Scorpio, and this is lucky for you. The 17th and 22nd are powerful dates for money and work. However, as often with Scorpio, there’s a need to let go of what’s not working before you allow new energy in. On the 17th, Mars connects beautifully with Jupiter but also clashes with your co-ruler Pluto. Mars then goes on to oppose Uranus on the 19th. This is about letting go of negativity, changing the way you communicate or closing a door so you can start afresh.
What this means depends on your personal situation but it could involve less time on social media, a detox diet or turning down work that you know isn’t right. Trust yourself and listen to your inner voice for guidance. Think of it as a chance for you to turn a negative into a positive, which, if you’re a typical Scorpio, comes naturally.
Finally, love benefits from this month’s planetary shifts. If you’re married or in a relationship, look at the ties that bind you and focus on your interconnections. On the one hand, it’s time to deal with practical issues, such as money and domestics. On a deeper level, there’s potential to discover your soul mate and increase your moments of intimacy and love. Same goes if you’re single: don’t waste time on someone who’s unavailable or not right for you. Look a little deeper and connect with the person who has soul mate potential.
[Scorpio from flickr.com]