Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)
Your ruler Mars is in your fellow water sign of Pisces until the 20th. On one level, this is good news as Pisces rules a fun sector of your chart which encompasses love affairs, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and luck.
Mars is however slightly uncomfortably in the sign of Pisces as Mars is at its best when it can act directly and go from A to B at speed. In Pisces, the sign that’s linked to water and the sea, there are times when Mars feels it’s getting nowhere fast, floating around and literally feeling ‘all at sea’.
The best way to deal with this transit is to do things differently, to learn to go with the flow, explore wherever life leads and look for the gems along the way. Keep the pace of life slow, try not to feel disillusioned or disheartened if your plans aren’t moving at speed and remember to enjoy the scenery and views whatever your current path in life.
Plus with Venus, Lady Love, in Pisces also until the 20th, you don’t have to go it alone and life will be much more enjoyable with someone by your side. This is an excellent month for having fun, socialising, having fun with your kids, arranging dates out with a friend, a new love or your partner. Venus excels in Pisces as Venus rules love and Pisces is a boundless sign. Put the two together and this is a sharing, caring combination.
For many star signs this month, Valentines Day (14th) is something of a damp squib and it’s the following weekend where the action’s at. Yet this doesn’t hold true for you as when you have Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, in the romance sign ruling romance and love affairs in your chart, there’s plenty of potential to cosy up to the one you love. Fall in love with someone new or fall in love all over again.
If you are looking for love, keep your eyes peeled on or around February 22nd and you’re most likely to meet someone new who you know through work. This is the date when the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, come together in the sign of Aries ruling your work, your health and your everyday lifestyle and routine. It’s an impulsive combination and may bring someone new into your life, either a personal or professional partnership. Key places to meet are via work, down the gym or when you’re out and about in your usual routine.
Earlier in February’s stars I talked about Mars in Pisces indicating a slower start to the month and this is confirmed because Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde, i.e. on go slow up until the 11th. Mercury is in the sign of Aquarius down at the base of your chart so this focuses on your home and family, your past and where you come from.
When Mercury’s retrograde it’s hard to make progress as information is hidden, you’re waiting to hear from someone or plans change, either your own or a second party. This can be a situation with regard to close family or someone you live with. It may be linked to building work or a property move.
The first turning point comes when Mercury turns direct on the 11th, a brilliant date for a key conversation or interaction, an indicator of good news coming to light. Then on the 18th there’s a second New Moon in Aquarius and New Moons indicate new beginnings, the chance to make a fresh start.
The first New Moon in Aquarius took place on January 20th, the day before Mercury turned retrograde so if there’s something you’ve been trying to negotiate or push through in your personal life, you’ve had to be persistent. The theme this month invokes second chances so don’t give up whatever your goals or aims but try and try again.
For some, this will be linked to a financial or money matter as Mercury is in a helpful sextile aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius and your money sector. The first time these two planets came together was on January 5th and this month they meet on February 5th and finally February 19th. The last date is the most powerful, the day after the New Moon, so think agreements, signing a contract, getting serious about your home or money situation, sorting out your finances so they work for you in the long-term.
Saturn in Sagittarius isn’t a breeze and you always have to work hard wherever you find Saturn in your chart. However, this month’s stars represent a game-changer for your work and a chance to leap forward and play big. The energy begins to build at the Full Moon on the 3rd which falls in the sign of Leo, ruling your work and career. You may be itching to take on a new project, win a key role or position linked to your work and to get new plans underway.
Rein in your enthusiasm for a while if you can without losing your passion. Family may need to get used to the potential changes taking place which will affect all of you, plus your stars are geared up for action after the 20th when Venus and Mars move into Aries and one of the work sectors of your chart. This is impulsive stuff and a desire to take risks or live dangerously can pay off.
Keep an eye out for new opportunities coming in towards the end of the month. Surround yourself with powerful people, use your contacts and at the same time play your cards right and you will feel a lot more secure financially.
There may be a wobble on or around the 23rd-26th when the Sun in Pisces clashes with the Saturn-Neptune square but this may be more about your fears or what you have to give up in order to pursue your dreams. It’s a no-brainer at the end of the day and come early March, the stars will continue to propel you forward.
Wow! Really spot on with my month! I got to meet someone very caring & noble through my work and it’s so dreamy, happened like an uncontrollable pull! And I started working on a new career path this month that will take a while and ” Rein in your enthusiasm for a while if you can without losing your passion.” really resonate with what I am going through.
you’re the lucky one then. all i keep reading is how i will meet someone and not one personal has come along. i also don’t want to mix business with pleasure because it is disaster! i have been alone for 3 years now and no matter what horoscopes say – i have not met one single person that fate has put in front of me.
hi Jan, thanks for your comment and I’m sorry that things aren’t working out for you. An astrology reading could be revealing for you or any other channel that helps you gain deeper insight into who you are and what you want. Sending best wishes your way, Sally
Hey..stop with self pity! Lift yourself up and acting attractive attracts attraction!! Whatever you have been going through, you have to clean it up in order to having a new person to see you. so you can see them too. Let go of that 3 year thing in your head. Scorpio’s good at amputation, so use it!
That’s fantastic news. Thanks for letting me know and I’m pleased the astrology’s proving accurate. That’s my goal. 🙂