Scorpio Monthly Horoscope December 2015

Scorpio, snowScorpio (24 October – 21 November)

There’s nothing like the close of a year to focus your thoughts about what you’re letting go, what you want to get rid of and what you want to shut the door on in your life. This is especially relevant for you because your ruling planet Mars is currently in your previous sign of Libra, hidden away in your chart.

On the one hand this turns your focus backward and it’s prime time to look at the year that’s gone, consolidate what you’ve learned and acknowledge your wins and your losses. It feels important to go into this process fully so you can properly let go and deal with the past before you consider what next and look at how, where and why you’re moving on.

Plus when you have Mars in Libra, your focus turns inward and you’re dealing with personal issues. This might include secrets or confidences or aspects of yourself you’re not proud of. Beware the tendency to be hard on yourself with Mars in Libra and work at boosting your self esteem rather than spiral into a negative place.

This tendency is part of your Scorpio nature although delving deep can be valuable if it produces hidden riches and immerses you in life’s mysteries. Yet it’s not a place to stay for too long if you’re confronted with dark thoughts or emotions.

The trickiest period this month is likely to be from the 6th – 11th when Mars clashes with the Uranus/Pluto duo. Pluto’s in Capricorn and your communication sector and Uranus is in Aries and the part of your chart which rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. This whole period might feel urgent as if there are things you need to do or say which are pressing.

If you’ve been struggling with one of these key areas of life, i.e. work or health, concentrate on letting go of bad feelings, difficult vibes and resentments. Clear away the past, sweep out what’s of no use to you any longer and do the job properly. Once you’ve relegated s—t to the past, you can then begin to focus on the future.

This month, there is a lot of positive energy around especially in the fire signs Sagittarius and Aries and this is helpful for you especially in the light of the more challenging Mars/Pluto/Uranus combination.

As December begins both the Sun (identity) and Mercury (communication/mind) are in Sagittarius and your personal money sector. This is a time when money equals freedom and wherever in your life you can make things easier for yourself with regard to money matters, do it. Both these planets team up with Uranus in Aries in a positive aspect on the 1st and 9th respectively.

This is brilliant for new opportunities related to work and money and it’s a positive time to cut ties that bind you either financially or emotionally. Look at where in life you can start afresh to benefit you in these key areas.

This is a major theme of this month’s New Moon which falls in Sagittarius and this same sector of your chart on the 11th. New beginnings are the theme of a New Moon, a chance to initiate action and start over. Have fun with your money this year if you’re buying Christmas presents and do what feels right for you rather than stick to the rules or traditional way of giving.

For some, the New Moon in Sagittarius indicates cash coming in, whether a bonus or an unexpected win. The more positive you are about money matters and the more you adopt an abundant attitude to cash, the smoother the flow of money.

Love also perks up when love planet Venus enters Scorpio on the 5th where it remains until the 30th. It’s always a lovely time when you have Venus in your sign as Venus rules love and money, art and beauty. You tend to be more popular and more attractive to others in general.

Scorpio rules the sector of your chart related to personal goals, your image and appearance, your profile and how others see you. Venus in Scorpio is the vamp, the femme fatale and a super sexy combination. Make the most of this if you’re invited to any Christmas parties and dress to impress.

If you’re in a relationship or marriage, this month you need to work hard at love and for some, it will be your partner who leads the way. If you know that your connection would benefit from more sex, more intimacy, then make it happen whilst the Goddess of love, Venus, lights up your sign.

As Christmas draws closer, expect to be busy as both Mercury and the Sun enter Capricorn and your communication sector on the 10th and 22nd respectively. This is often a time when you’re here, there and everywhere, trying to juggle lots of different balls at the same time.

Your local community is emphasised and it’s a lovely time to meet up with the neighbours, attend carol concerts and support Christmas activities close to home. Meeting new faces and going new places livens up your life so throw yourself into the Christmas spirit.

The Full Moon on Christmas Day, 25th December, cuts across the travel sectors of your chart and this would be the perfect day to decide on next year’s holiday if you’re not abroad already. As this Full Moon falls in the home and family sign of Cancer, it’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with family who live abroad or who reside in different areas of the country.

Socially too you’re on a roll over the holiday period and the more you connect with good friends and honour your long-term connections, the happier your festive experience. Same goes for New Year’s Eve, make an effort and take part in a social get-together. Being with good friends will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine.

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