Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2015

Scorpio August 2015Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)

The beginning of the month is especially powerful for you as the planet Saturn turns direct in your sign of Scorpio on the 2nd. Saturn entered Scorpio in October 2012 where it remained until December 2014.

It’s been back in your sign since mid-June 2015 and once it turns direct, this is the final push. Saturn moves on from Scorpio in mid-September 2015 and won’t return for many years.

This is good news for you as Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and Saturn in your sign can coincide with difficulties or hardship. There’s a theme of completion, bringing important matters to a close and considering where you need to deal with endings in your own life.

Saturn turning direct gives you a chance to bring an ongoing project to a conclusion. If you’re working hard on a specific topic, then one final push might be all that it takes to break through and complete your deadline.

Yet the day after Saturn turns direct, it squares up to Jupiter in Leo and your career sector. This is an especially strong planetary aspect for you as it’s about your future direction, where you’re heading in life. Think of this as a milestone, a turning point and look out for the situation that can’t be resolved.

For some, this is about closing the door on a career opportunity that’s not for you or isn’t happening. With all the will in the world, you might not be able to do one thing you really want to do and you have to accept that the time’s not right.

There is also an indication now that when you let go of one way of life, one career path, you allow space for new opportunities to come in. You might already know that you want to take your career in a different direction or that you’re ready to step up to a new responsibility, a new position. Listen carefully to the gifts and openings that come your way early in August. Trust your intuition and follow your heart.

Your ruling planet Mars enters Leo and your career sector on the 8th and this indicates you can go full steam ahead with your own plans. Plus there’s a New Moon in Leo on the 14th, a symbol of new beginnings.

The one question mark regarding your career is Venus retrograde, i.e. on go slow in Leo and your career sector throughout the month. This indicates that you might lose someone’s support or changes in your partner’s life have a knock on effect in your own life.

This is a key month when you’re right to review your progress, to see what you’ve achieved in the last 12 months and be clear about where you wish to invest your time and energy in the next stage of your life.

Other big news this month concerns the planet of luck and opportunity, Jupiter leaving behind the sign of Leo on the 11th and your career sector. Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and Jupiter’s been in Leo since July 2014.

For some, Jupiter’s brought new opportunities, success and a wealth of work. You may have found a way to break free from the daily grind and follow your true vocation. For others, this has indicated a sabbatical from work to study or a chance to work abroad. Jupiter’s at its best when you play big in life and grab new opportunities.

Jupiter’s move into Virgo is less about going it alone and more about seeking support. Jupiter remains in Virgo for the next 13 months and this turns your attention towards friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network.

This is about finding your tribe and making sure that your social life is not only fun but supportive too. Bring new friends into your life by enjoying new activities and make an effort to catch up with old friends too. Jupiter will create the opportunities, perhaps through a friend’s wedding, anniversary or school reunion, and all you need to do is say Yes.

If you have built up a successful business whilst Jupiter’s been in Leo or been following your vocation, here’s your chance to take what you do out into the wider world and to get people on board who can help you. Jupiter in Virgo is about gathering people around you, a team or people of like minds who can work alongside you and make life not only easier but more enjoyable and fun too.

Key dates are the 26th and the 29th when the Sun connects with Jupiter in Virgo and the Full Moon cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis. This is your chance to become more social and if you’ve been taking on too much on your own, August’s stars are urging you to reach out and reconnect.

Love isn’t especially strong now and this is because of Venus’ retrograde motion as Venus rules love and she’s your partner planet. You might be spending time away from a partner or lover or find that you’re ready to slow down the pace in a relationship. This isn’t the month for big love decisions but do notice what you’re thinking and feeling.

After the 8th, Mars and Venus, the lovers of the heavens are in the same sector of the zodiac even if they are moving in different directions and at different speeds. They will come together early September but for now, you benefit most when you focus on your own wants and needs and where you’re heading in life. Reach out to others and widen your social circle and don’t rely on one other person to define your own happiness.

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