Speedy Mars
Your ruling planet, Mars, is moving forward this month in dynamic Aries. Mars is strong in the first sign of the zodiac and you too may sense a surge of energy.
Aries in your horoscope rules your work and health, your lifestyle and routine. If you want to get fit or take on a physical challenge, this is a strong time to do so. Don’t go over the top, however, especially mid-month around the 11th to 14th when Mars aligns with Chiron, the wounded healer.
Keep your fitness plans realistic and rein in the daredevil side of your nature or your love of danger. Mars will be in this part of your horoscope until early January 2021.
Work & Money
You could be busier at work with Mars here too or be keen to find a new job or role. This fits with the Sun’s move into Leo and your career and vocation sector on the 22nd. You’re heading towards an ambitious and potentially successful time of year, so crack on if you’re ready.
Money is also under the cosmic spotlight this month with Venus moving forward in Gemini and your joint finance sector. Venus was retrograde from May 13th to June 25th and this can be a time when you’re playing a waiting game or you need to reassess your situation.
With Venus back on track, look for the right people who can help you out financially. This could be someone with expert advice. Or, a partner who’s savvy when it comes to money and earnings.
The Bigger Picture
Even though July’s stars may see you getting fired up, there’s still a side of your nature that may be yearning for something more. This has a lot to do with the activity taking place in Cancer and your travel and study sector.
Mercury is retrograde here until the 12th and this can be an ideal time to day-dream and ponder. You could be seeking meaning or purpose in your life and need a big vision or an opportunity to broaden your horizons.
When it comes to booking travel or a study course, ideally wait until the 12th before making a decision. You often find that new information comes to light once Mercury turns direct.
Also, the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle comes to an end this month on the 5th. This is the date of a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse that completes a cycle which began in July 2018.
Sometimes, this can bring matters to culmination and your efforts are rewarded. Yet, eclipses have a hidden theme and they can be about endings, deciding to cancel a plan or project.
This is similar to what’s happening on the New Moon in Cancer on the 20th. This is the second New Moon in this part of your horoscope in two months. On June 21st, there was a Solar Eclipse on the day of the Solstice.
Traditionally, New Moons symbolise new beginnings. Yet, on the 20th, the Sun is opposed by Saturn, so something needs to stop or come to an end before you can start afresh. Saturn rules fear and doubt so notice whether you’re the one holding back. Or, whether life has other plans for you.
Finding Your Voice
Saturn returns to Capricorn on the 2nd and your communication sector, where it remains until December 2020. This area of your horoscope is where all the key players are this year, including Jupiter and Pluto, your modern ruler. It’s about finding your voice. Or, alternatively, finding yourself up against the authorities.
You may feel frustrated with what’s happening in your community or society as a whole. With Mars strong, this brings out your inner activist and the 8th and 27th look argumentative.
It may be hard for you to focus on your personal life without confronting what’s happening in the world around you. Tempers could flare if you come across people this month whose views or beliefs are directly opposite to your own.